
Hannah Moskowitz
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jan 3, 2014

Rudy's life changes drastically when the family moves to a remote island for his ailing little brother's health. A fairly popular guy at school (especially with the ladies) Rudy is one of the few people below 30 living on the island. Everyone on the island is there for one reason...the magic fish that appear to have the ability to heal any illness. When the doctors and medicine fail his little brother, Rudy's family risks everything to come to the island. 

While his little brother seems to improve, Rudy counts down the days until he leaves for college, and a return to a normal life. Meanwhile, the gray water and grayer skies are little comfort. With their parents' attention on his little brother, Rudy craves human interaction. 

But the ocean holds more that magic fish, it also holds a fishboy, Teeth. The fish's protector and brother, Teeth is constantly at war with the fisherman, trying to save his beloved brothers and sisters. In return, the fisherman hunt Teeth, Rudy hears his screams in the night. Is Rudy so desperate for a friend, for human contact, for love, that he will find it in a half fish-half boy?

Well this is certainly different! Very darkly written I think the word that comes to mind for me is gray. The sea is gray, the sky is gray, the island is gray, the fish are gray...very dreary.

Reviewed by Kate M.
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