Reviews by Category: Mystery

Staff Review

Fall From Grace

By Charles Benoit
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Oct 19, 2012

Sawyer's life has been all planned out by his parents: attend their alma mater, become an insurance actuary, and ever do anything interesting...ever. And he has complacently followed their plan for years, dating Zoe because they like her, working at the ice cream store owned by a family friend, taking all honors classes...until he meets Grace. Grace is different from anyone he has ever met. She breaks the rules, and she makes him want to break them too. It starts harmlessly enough, helping her steal a model UN treaty (come on it is Model UN!) but becomes a slippery slope.

Staff Review

Where Things Come Back

By John Corey Whaley
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Nov 11, 2011

Cullen Witter's summer break begins with a trip to the Lily, Arkansas morgue. With this aunt and mother too distraught to get out of the car and his father on another long haul delivery, Cullen is left to identify the body. And his summer only gets better when an ornithologist from Washington shows up in town claiming he has seen a species of woodpecker previously thought to be extinct.

Staff Review

Jellicoe Road

By Melina Marchetta
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Mar 27, 2009

Taylor was abandoned on the Jellicoe Road when she was 11 years old. She was taken in my Hannah, a caretaker at the Jellicoe School, a place for wards of the state to go to school until they are 18. Behind the seeming quiet of Jelliceo School is a feud that goes back before Taylors time there, a secret war going on between the students of Jellicoe School, the townies and the cadets. Taylor has just been named the leader of the students and it is hear job to regain precious territory from the cadets and townies.

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