Reviews by Tag: adrenaline

Teen Review

Wish You Were Dead

By Todd Strasser

Rated by
Olivia from Leawood Pioneer Library YAAC
Mar 13, 2018

The day after an anonymous blogger wishes the popular girl would die, Lucy vanishes. Everyone at Soundview High School is scared and worried, but not as much as Madison, the last person to see Lucy before she disappeared. When two more students disappear after their names are mentioned on the blog, the residents of Soundview become panicked. Madison also begins to receive notes warning she is next. Madison is desperate to stop anyone else from vanishing, so she turns to a mysterious new student at her school, but can she trust him when it becomes clear he isn’t sharing everything he knows?

Teen Review

My Sister Rosa

By Justine Larbalestier

Rated by
Ellie from Leawood Pioneer Library YAAC
Aug 4, 2017

Che is trying to be normal. He has a list, even. Of things he wants to accomplish soon, after moving to New York with his family.

However, Item Number One is: Keep Rosa Safe.

Seems normal right? After all, Rosa's just his five-year-old sister. Completely normal. Except she's also a diagnosable psychopath. Rosa has a long trail of seemingly innocent acts of killing on her small hands, and it's only a matter of time before he kills again, maybe this time a person.

Che has to protect his sister from the world- but he may need to protect the world from his sister.

Teen Review

My Sister Rosa

By Justine Larbalestier

Rated by
Olivia from Leawood Pioneer Library YAAC
Jun 28, 2017

Rosa seems like a charming and brilliant young girl, she makes it look like there is nothing wrong with her. But her brother knows better. She is so talented at deception and persuasion, he is certain she is a diagnosable psychopath. She hasn’t hurt any people yet, but he is sure it is only a matter of time. Ever since their parents moved them to New York City, Rosa has been playing increasingly complex and disturbing games. Can he protect Rosa from the world, but more importantly, can he protect the world against Rosa?

Teen Review

Give A Boy A Gun

By Todd Strasser

Rated by
Olivia from Leawood Pioneer Library YAAC
Jun 26, 2017

Brendan and Gray have been relentlessly harassed and bullied by the jocks at Middletown high for as long as they could remember. But not anymore. They decide enough is enough. They take all their classmates hostage at a school dance with an arsenal of stolen guns. It soon becomes clear to the students during the chaos that the only thing that matters to Brendan and Gary is revenge. At points along the story, there are statistics about gun violence, further educating the reader's understanding of the backdrop of this story.

Teen Review

The Hit

By Melvin Burgess
Star Rating

Rated by
Eunice Lee
Dec 17, 2014

There's a brand new drug: Death. Take it and you'll experience the best week of your life - and then die promptly after.

I thought it was a decent, fast-paced book. The concept was very interesting. I felt  very distant from Adam, who, despite being the main character, had a lacking presence. However, I loved his character - he wasn't really a "hero", he cries when his life is crumbling around him. He's a gold digger. He's an awful boyfriend. In short, he's a complete loser. I found that really fascinating.

Staff Review

Life as We Knew It

By Susan Beth Pfeffer
Star Rating

Rated by Angel T
Jun 28, 2014

If you knew the precise time the moon would collide with a meteor would you pull out your binoculars, pop some popcorn, and pull up a lawn chair for the best show of your life? If you knew the moon would be struck quickly by the meteor but then slowly move closer and closer to the earth would you fear for you life? If you knew the moon's imposing presence in the sky would produce deadly earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes that wipe out millions of people would you still have hope? If you knew the middle of summer would soon turn to a blistering winter would yo

Staff Review


By Max Barry
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Mar 14, 2014

This story starts with a bang! Wil Jamieson is grabbed by two guys in an airport bathroom. They stick a needle in his eye, ask him a bunch of questions and tell him if he wants to live he has to come with them. Wil gathers from their conversation that he in an important piece in a war they are fighting. Wars have casualties, and before they escape the airport one kidnapper and Wil's girlfriend are dead. Barely trusting Eliot, Wil takes off cross country as a fugitive, trying to discover what makes him so special.

Staff Review

The Hit

By Melvin Burgess
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Mar 7, 2014

Adam scores the ultimate tickets to the last concert of rock star Jimmy Earle. How does he know that it is Jimmy's last concert? Because Jimmy has taken Death, the latest and greatest drug on the street. Live one glorious week on the high of your life...then die. Adam and his girlfriend Lizzie are there to see Earle give the performance of a lifetime, then die on stage. As the crowd goes wild, the two escape the area to find masked members of the Zealots handing out Death capsules on the street.

Staff Review

Black Helicopters

By Blythe Woolston
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Jun 19, 2013

Black Helicopters are the harbingers of death and destruction for 15 year old Valley and her brother Bo. If they knew their hiding place, Those People, who control the helicopters, would kill them like coyotes, just as they killed her parents. Valley is determined to make the pay, no matter the cost to herself. Using the skills for survival and explosives their father taught them, Valley comes up with a plan to enact vengeance on Those People. By turning herself into an explosive message.

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