Reviews by Tag: illness

Teen Review
Five Feet Apart by Rachael Lippincott

Five Feet Apart

By Rachael Lippincott
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Feb 12, 2024

Summary: In Five Feet Apart, readers are introduced to Stella Grant and Will Newman, two teenagers who are anything but ordinary, due to their battle with cystic fibrosis (CF). Stella is meticulous about her treatment regimen, aiming to keep her health stable enough for a lung transplant. Will, on the other hand, is tired of clinical trials and restrictions, eagerly awaiting his 18th birthday to reclaim some freedom from his disease.

Teen Review
The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

The Fault in Our Stars

By John Green
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Aug 31, 2023

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green is an emotional story about two teenagers hopelessly in love yet set apart by the unfortunate circumstances surrounding them. This young adult romance novel does contain some hard-to-process material, as the protagonist Hazel suffers from thyroid cancer affecting her lungs and doesn’t seem to have a will to live. Her pessimistic nature contrasts that of Augustus who also suffered from cancer but has a completely different outlook on the world.

Teen Review
The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

The Fault in Our Stars

By John Green
Star Rating

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May 14, 2023

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green is a book about two teenagers, Hazel and Gus, who meet at a cancer support group. Hazel has thyroid cancer that has spread to her lungs, while Gus has lost a leg to osteosarcoma. They fall in love and embark on a journey to Amsterdam to meet their favorite author. 

Teen Review

Everything, Everything

By Nicola Yoon
Star Rating

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Natalie M.
Mar 2, 2023

Everything, Everything is such an amazing book. There’s an amazing plot

twist at the end, which really adds to the whole story. There are moments

where you hold your breath, mentally yelling at the character through the

pages of the book. I love how the book is written, how there’s never a dull

moment in the story, how you never know what could happen next. It’s

just an amazingly written book.

Teen Review
Five Feet Apart by Rachael Lippincott

Five Feet Apart

By Rachael Lippincott
Star Rating

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Aug 2, 2022

Five Feet Apart by Rachael Lippincott is romance fiction. Cystic Fibrosis has taken everything

from Stella. When she meets Will, she decides that she’s done letting her sickness control her.

Stella has followed every rule about Cystic Fibrosis, waiting for a liver transplant that will change

her life. On the other hand, Will doesn’t care about his sickness, just waiting to be 18 to stop the

Teen Review
The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

The Fault In Our Stars

By John Green
Star Rating

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Aug 2, 2022

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green is romance fiction. Hazel is a cancer patient and joins a

cancer support group to help cope and make friends. There, she meets Gus. She and Gus start

a friendship that eventually leads to adventures and the best time of their lives. This book was

so good. It was absolutely heartbreaking. I cried so much. It was funny, cute, and overall

absolutely amazing. I would give it a 4/5.

Teen Review
Brain on Fire My Month of Madness by Susannah Cahalan

Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness

By Susannah Cahalan
Star Rating

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Jun 8, 2022

Brain of Fire is a book that follows Susannah as she battles through an invisible disease that is brushed off at first, but proves to be life threatening as a result of the ignorance. When nobody believes her, Susannah is led to believe she has gone crazy. With the support of her boyfriend, and the doctor who believed her every word and was determined to help her, Susannah managed to remain motivated to battle through arguably the toughest phase of her life.

Teen Review
Remedy by Eireann Corrigan


By Eireann Corrigan
Star Rating

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Marium K.
Oct 21, 2021

Cara Jean has always dealt with her bad health. Doctors can’t figure out what happening to her because Cara and her mom are always on the move. But when Cara’s mother sets up a fundraiser to raise money for her illness, she begins to question the people around her. Is Cara’s illness something she was born with? Or is someone intentionally making her sick?

Teen Review
Five Feet Apart by Rachael Lippincott

Five Feet Apart

By Rachael Lippincott

Rated by
Soumya T
Feb 4, 2019

A beautiful and compelling story. The book is about two inseparable teens who suffer from cystic fibrosis, and they long to touch each other, but they must stay the dreaded six feet apart at all times, because two people with cystic fibrosis can not go closer then that. They can't even get a few feet closer without risking their lives. The perfect story for anyone who likes a spinning romance with loving characters, and an exciting but emotional plot. Once I started reading, I couldn't put the book down! I even skipped my dinner that day just so I wouldn't have to stop reading!

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