Reviews by Tag: alternate history

Teen Review
American Royals by Katharine McGee

American Royals

By Katharine McGee
Star Rating

Rated by
Jillian K.
Apr 2, 2022

Beatrice, Samantha, and Jefferson Washington are all the children of King George and their family is the current rulers of America. America was kept as a monarchy rather than turned into a democracy, and Beatrice is to be the new queen when she succeeds her father. Their stories become wrapped up when Samantha and Beatrice want the same man, Samantha’s best friend, Nina, falls in love with her twin Jefferson, and Jefferson’s ex-girlfriend, Daphne, is still obsessed with Jefferson.

Teen Review
Live in Infamy by Caroline Tung Richmon

Live in Infamy

By Caroline Tung Richmond
Star Rating

Rated by
Jillian K.
Apr 2, 2022

In an alternate reality where the Axis powers won World War Two, current day United States has been taken over by Japanese forces and Europe by the Nazis. Ren Cabot is living in what would be California with only his father, bitter that the government killed his mother after she committed treason. The government is controlling of its people, and is only benefiting those in power, so there are many groups trying to undermine them. Mr.

Teen Review
Cover photo of the book American Royals

American Royals

By Katherine McGee
Star Rating

Rated by
Brooke G.
Jan 28, 2021

American Royals explores the idea of a monarchy in America. Beatrice, the perfect eldest daughter, is in line for the throne. Her parents are pressuring her to get married, but want her to pick from a small list of potential suitors. Samantha the next oldest. She and her twin Jeff love to party, but Sam endures the wrath of the press while her brother is adored. Nina is Samantha’s best friend and often feels overshadowed. She’s secretly in love with Jeff.

Teen Review


By Todd Strasser

Rated by
Olivia from Leawood Pioneer Library YAAC
Jul 10, 2017

In the summer of 1962, the possibility of nuclear war is all anyone talks about. But Scott’s dad is the only one in the neighborhood who actually prepares for the worst. As the neighbors scoff, he builds a bomb shelter to hold his family and stocks it with just enough supplies to keep the four of them alive for two critical weeks. In the middle of the night in late October, when the unthinkable happens, those same neighbors force their way into the shelter before Scott’s dad can shut the door.

Staff Review


By Todd Strasser

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Sep 30, 2014

It's 1962 and the world is watching as President Kennedy and Russian leader Nikita Khrushchev face off. Tensions are rising day by day, the Cuban Missile Crisis is reaching its peak. Scott's father has built an underground bomb shelter and the family is the brunt of the neighbor's jokes. That is until the air raid sirens go off and suddenly only Scott's family has somewhere safe to go. Just as Scott's dad is about to close and lock the heavy steel door, some of the neighbors grab it and try to open it back up; they are desperate to survive.

Staff Review

The Story of Owen

By E. K. Johnston
Star Rating

Rated by Octavia V.
Apr 29, 2014

After famed dragon slayer, Lottie Thorskard, is injured on the job she takes early retirement and moves to the small town of Trondheim to escape her notoriety and the big city. She brings her partner Hannah, and nephew Owen, whose father is out fighting the carbon eating dragons that have plagued Canada since the dawn of time.

Staff Review

The Lost Sun

By Tessa Gratton

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Oct 18, 2013

Soren Bearskin has grown up in a United States colonized by the Vikings rather than the Puritans, a country where trolls hide in the mountains and Norse gods walk the land, where children learn how to sword-fight in school and every year the land is renewed by the god of light, Baldur, as he is resurrected from his winter death.  Except this year, Baldur fails to appear.  A search is begun, a boon is offered by Odin to whomever can return his missing sun, and Astrid Glyn, the daughter of the most famous seer in New Asgard, convinces Soren that it is their fate to find Baldur.&nbsp

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