Reviews by Tag: paranormal

Staff Review

Paper Valentine

By Brenna Yovanoff
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Nov 7, 2014

Things have been complicated for Hannah Wagnor since her best friend Lillian died six months ago, because her best friends ghost still haunts her, and because someone in their sleepy town is killing girls and leaving their bodies in the woods behind Hannah’s house. Lillian has become obsessed with the murders and to appease her friend’s spirit, Hannah begins to investigate the crime scene photos developed at the photo store where she works.

Staff Review

The Screaming Staircase

By Jonathan Stroud
Star Rating

Rated by Hilary S.
Feb 13, 2014

Jonathan Stroud’s latest book is a thrilling fantasy set in England in which ghosts roam the nights. Only the very young can see, hear, or otherwise sense spirits. As children near puberty, abilities to see or hear spirits surface, and they are thereby trained and employed by businesses whose sole purpose is to identify and detain or destroy the spirits.

Staff Review

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown

By Holly Black
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Dec 6, 2013

After years of living in the shadows, being glorified as sparkly lovers and dangerous enemies and on TV, vampires have revealed themselves to humans. After a nasty outbreak of vampirism, thanks to a misplaced act of mercy, the world cannot ignore the lore. Infected cities are walled off from the public, called Coldtowns, these places are exquisite prisons for vampires. Humans, enthralled with the beauty and horror of vampires flock to the Coldtowns to offer their sweet red blood for the chance of being turned.

Staff Review

Undead Books

By Max Brooks

Rated by Kate M.
Jun 3, 2011

There really isn't anything better than a good zombie story. I can't tell you how many times I have lost myself in the story of the undead plague. I think of this as research for the future. It preparation for the inevitable. I have my escape all planned out (and no I won't tell you my plans!), have you throught about packing your outbreak bag and figuring out where you will go? Maybe you should read some of these books and figure it out!

Staff Review

Beastly: the movie

By Vanessa Hudgens
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Mar 11, 2011

So six months ago I got really excited because they were turning Beastly by Alex Flinn into a movie. I knew the book was based on the tale of Beauty and the Beast, set in modern day New York City. I immediately grabbed the book, and although it wasn't all that great, I enjoyed it for what it was. Then they delayed the movie, then they delayed it again.

Staff Review

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

By Joss Whedon
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Nov 23, 2010

I am going to write about something near and dear to my heart, Buffy. I don't know about you but I tend to move from one obsession to another and for several years I turned my attention to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Joss Whedon in general. If, goodness forbid, you are unfamiliar with Buffy allow me to enlighten you: Regular California teenager Buffy Summers discovers she is the chosen one, destined to bring about the end of vampires and evil in general.

Staff Review

Beastly by Alex Flinn

By Alex Flinn
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Jun 23, 2010

Kyle Kingsley is the most perfect guy in school, just ask anyone. He has everything he wants, money, the right friends, the hottest girl in school. But no matter now beautiful Kyle is on the outside he is ugly on the inside, where it counts. Kyle decides to make fun of a new girl in his English class by pretending to ask her to the spring dance and then standing her up. But little does Kyle know that the new girl is actually a witch and she gets back at Kyle but cursing him and turning him into a beast.

Teen Review


By Justine Larbalestier
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Mar 3, 2010

Micah live in New York City and attends a fancy private school, she is on scholarship. She lives with her parents in a small apartment and she doesn't seem to have a lot of friends. The drama starts when a boy from school, Zach is found murdered in Central Park. Micah, who narrates the story, says she barely knew Zach, just had a few classes with him but as the story goes on it is uncovered that Micah and Zach were actually secretly dating, secretly because Zach was actually dating another girl.

Staff Review

New Moon Review

By Kristen Stewart
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Dec 11, 2009

As promised here is my review for the New Moon movie (I know this is a little late, but I couldn't take the hoards to go opening weekend and then I just got caught up in other stuff). Those of you who know me know that I am not a big Twilight fan... Ok if we are being honest I can't stand the Twilight books. But I was honestly looking forward to the Twilight movie last year.

Staff Review

Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side

By Beth Fantasky
Star Rating

Rated by Kate M.
Sep 2, 2009

Jessica is looking forward to her senior year of high school in small town Pa. This is supposed to be the best year of her life, hang out with friends, get into a good college, and possibly get her first kiss. But everything goes horribly wrong on the first day of school when she is surprised by a creepy guy hanging out at the bus stop, crazy hippie parents won't give her a car. She swears she can hear him whisper her name before she gets on the bus, but it isn't the name Jessica, it is Antastasia, the name she was given as a baby by her birth parents.

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