Reviews by Tag: space

Teen Review
The Gravity of Us by Phil Stamper

The Gravity of Us

By Phil Stamper

Rated by
Madelyn A from MO YA Lit Council
Feb 4, 2020

If you like romance, space, and getting back at greedy T.V. companies while saving NASA- this story is for you. The protagonist is witty, sarcastic, and likable, the side characters complex, and the plot is compelling. What more could you want? Stamper creates a story that revolves around very human experiences: the compulsion to fix what you love (even if it’s not your job), the rush of young love, sticking up for yourself and others in the face of opposition, and a love of space travel. Hard to imagine a better book.

Teen Review
Aurora Burning by Aime Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Aurora Rising

By Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Rated by
Abigail R. from MO YA Lit Council
Jul 29, 2019

The action is intense and the storyline is fast-paced; there is always something going on. The setting in intergalactic space and the unforgettable characters make for a perfect storm of events that draws you in deeper the more you read. The writing style is beautiful and the slang feels so natural it's like the culmination of 7 people's autobiographies thrown backward in time.

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