Teen and Staff Reviews

Teen Review


By Sarah McGuire

Rated by
Olivia from Leawood Pioneer Library YAAC
Mar 17, 2017

When Saville’s father is struck ill, she will do anything to survive, even pretending to be a boy to sew a fine coat for the king. But rumors are spreading about an immortal duke and his army of giants marching to seize the king’s throne. Soon, two giant scouts come and terrorize the city, but she tricks them into leaving. Stories of the brave and quick-witted tailor quickly turn into tales of giant-slaying. So it is left to the courageous and clever tailor girl to stop the duke’s army and save the kingdom.

Teen Review

The Storyspinner

By Becky Wallace

Rated by
Olivia from Leawood Pioneer Library YAAC
Mar 13, 2017

Johanna lives in a world where nobles plot their way to the throne, willing to do anything to become ruler. They are fighting over the throne of the princess who is supposed to be dead. Nevertheless, there is a quest to find her by a race of people with magical abilities, and they are not the only ones looking for her. Bodies of dead girls are turning up at every corner, and they all look exactly like Johanna.

Teen Review

The Ring and the Crown

By Melissa de la Cruz

Rated by
Olivia from Leawood Pioneer Library YAAC
Mar 6, 2017

Princess Marie is sickly, quiet, and shy. She has never lived up to the standards of Queen Eleanor the Second, Supreme Ruler of the Franco-British Empire. She lives in the most powerful empire the world has ever seen, due to the help of the Head Merlin and his control over the only supply of magic in the world. Marie must marry and produce an heir to keep the empire strong against their greatest enemy: Prussia. The two kingdoms need to unite to stop the never ending war, and the only way is for Marie to marry the heir to the Prussian throne.

Teen Review

The Loop

By Shandy Lawson

Rated by
Olivia from Leawood Pioneer Library YAAC
Mar 6, 2017

Over the course of two days, Ben and Maggie have met and fallen in love, only to die together countless times. They struggle again and again to resist the pull of their fate and time itself. Every time they come closer to breaking out of the time loop, everything becomes more deeply ingrained and more inescapable. They think up a desperate plan to break free and survive, but what if their only shot at not dying is to live apart?

Teen Review


By Kiersten White

Rated by
Olivia from Leawood Pioneer Library YAAC
Mar 6, 2017

Evie’s life may not be normal, but she likes to think it is, even if she works for the International Paranormal Containment Agency, her former boyfriend is a faerie, she can’t help but fall for an incarcerated shape-shifter, and she is the only one who can see through the glamours worn by paranormals. But when she learns that she is at the heart of an age-old prophecy that foretells the destruction of all paranormal creatures, she realizes her life may not be what she thought it was. So much for normal.

Teen Review

Our Chemical Hearts

By Krystal Sutherland

Rated by
Ellianna from Leawood Pioneer Library YAAC
Mar 2, 2017

Henry Page has never been in love, and he's fine with it. He's much happier focusing on college and the future, and becoming the newspaper editor at his school. When Grace Town walks into Henry Page's school one day, he practically overlooks her. Were it not for her rather oversized boy's clothes and the cane she walks with, he may have ignored her completely. But their paths cross in the form of the newspaper, and sparks fly, and Henry's about to learn for the first time just how stunning and disastrous love can be.

Staff Review

The Lie Tree

By Frances Hardinge
Star Rating

Rated by Chris K.
Jan 5, 2017

What had she just done? She had obediently opened a door and stepped through into blackness, without even knowing if there was a floor on the other side.

Staff Review
The Ghosts of Heaven by Marcus Sedgwick

The Ghosts of Heaven

By Marcus Sedgwick
Star Rating

Rated by Chris K.
Dec 1, 2016

This consists of four stories--"quarters," Sedgwick calls them--from four different eras. Each is a compelling, haunting meditation on human nature. Each has horror undertones, confronts suffering and misery. Each is distinct in style, tone, setting, and action. Each involves philosophical musings about the meaning of spirals in the way of Jungian archetypes (universal, archaic patterns and images that derive from the collective unconscious and are the psychic counterpart of instinct; Wikipedia).

Staff Review

But I Love Him

By Amanda Grace
Star Rating

Rated by Jackie M.
Nov 9, 2016

Told mostly in reverse order, But I Love Him chronicles the relationship between Anna and Connor. The reader is introduced to Anna, a high school senior, who has spent the past year focused on Connor, and has slowly given up the people and things that were important to her prior to meeting him.

Staff Review

We Are the Ants

By Shaun David Hutchinson
Star Rating

Rated by Chris K.
Nov 2, 2016

If you knew the world was going to end, but you had the power to stop it, would you?

A Man Said to the Universe

A man said to the universe:

“Sir, I exist!”

“However,” replied the universe,

“The fact has not created in me

A sense of obligation.”

~ Stephen Crane

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