Reviews by Category: Fantasy

Teen Review
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Six of Crows

By Leigh Bardugo
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Rated by
A. Gascich
Feb 25, 2022

Six of Crows is the first book in a duology written by Leigh Bardugo. It is set in the same universe as a previous series by Bardugo, the Shadow and Bone trilogy. Six of Crows follows Kaz Brekker, a notorious thief and his crew, known as the Crows. Kaz is tasked with completing an impossible heist in order to rescue a scientist from the impenetrable Ice Court.

Teen Review
Circe by Madeline Miller


By Madeline Miller
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Mariam S.
Feb 21, 2022

Madeline Miller’s Circe is a retelling of the ancient Greek myth of a witch with the powers of transformation. Born to Helios, the Titan god of the sun yet evidently without any powers of her own, Circe has a childhood in the shadows, largely unnoticed unless harassed. She discovers her magical abilities after picking flowers grown from the blood of gods and is cast down from the halls of the gods for her offense. Stranded on an island and forbidden to leave, a cast of characters from Greek mythology enter her story.

Teen Review
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

Carry On: The Rise and Fall of Simon Snow

By Rainbow Rowell
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Rated by
Rhea S.
Feb 21, 2022

Carry On, by Rainbow Rowell, is a fantasy novel and the first in the Simon Snow trilogy. It's Simon Snow's last year at Watford School of Magicks and time is running out for him to defeat the Insidious Humdrum, whose goal is to destroy all magic in the United Kingdom. When Simon searches for his evil roommate, Baz Pitch, who fails to show up at school at the beginning of term, Simon discovers secrets that he was not meant to find out and that may threaten everything he knows about the World of Mages.

Teen Review
Squad by Maggie Tokuda-Hall


By Maggie Tokuda-Hall
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Rated by
Sophie G.
Feb 7, 2022

Squad is about Becca, a new student at Piedmont High who’s always been a weirdo. However, after she gets invited into the biggest clique at school, she gets everything she wants. Becca has new friends, new clothes, and a new start. There’s only one problem: they’re all werewolves, who prey on predatory boys. And when she’s let into the pack, and a boy dies, things get complicated.

Teen Review
Insurgent by Veronica Roth


By Veronica Roth
Star Rating

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Shreya A.
Feb 7, 2022

Insurgent is an exciting and active action thriller by Veronica Roth. This book is about a sixteen year old girl named Tris, and her boyfriend Tobias, who escape the city and go to Amity lands (one of the factions, they value peace). They then escape those lands and return to the city and take cover in the Merciless Mart (the candor building, they value honesty), they kill their dauntless traitor leader and return to the Dauntless compounds.

Teen Review
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

By J.K. Rowling
Star Rating

Rated by
Sriha P.
Feb 3, 2022

Harry goes to the Quidditch World Cup with Ron and Hermione, when a mysterious event happens there. He also dreams about his crush Cho Chang, but does not get a chance, as Edward Cullen takes his spot. A new event during school started and Harry was chosen as a competitor. Something mysterious happens as he did not put his name in. He just wants to be a normal wizard. But, because he is not a normal wizard, he goes through a different route through his fourth year of Hogwarts.

Teen Review


By Veronica Roth
Star Rating

Rated by
Anna S.
Feb 3, 2022

Beatrice has only known to be a selfless person all of her life. She only looks in a mirror on occasion and always has to do the right thing. When she turns 16, this all changes. Beatrice can change her faction. She has to decide her future in the matter of seconds. This one decision choses her job, her friends, and almost every part of her life. What faction will she choose and how will she decide? It will change her life.

Teen Review
Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust

Girl, Serpent, Thorn

By Melissa Bashardoust
Star Rating

Rated by
Shreya A.
Feb 3, 2022

Girl, Serpent, Thorn is a thrilling and adventurous fictional novel by Melissa Bashardoust. This book is about a girl named Soraya, she is cursed with poison in her veins which deprive her of touch. Soraya meets a soldier named Azad, he gains her trust and feeds her lies about her family. Soon these lies get to her and she betrays her family. Soraya gets captured by Azad, and comes up with a plan to overthrow Azad from her family’s throne.

Teen Review
Everless by sara Holland


By Sara Holland
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Feb 3, 2022

Jules Ember is a 19 year old girl who lives in a place called Crofton, Sempera with her father in poverty. She’s only ever wanted a peaceful life with her father, without any worries. However, they have too many debts and day by day her father is dying trying to pay up all of them at the same time. Jules feels really bad, so she decides to work at Everless, the house of the wealthiest family in Sempera, who she and her dad hate very much for an incident that happened years ago.

Teen Review
Princess Jellyfish by Akiko Higashimura

Princess Jellyfish

By Akiko Higashimura
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Feb 1, 2022

Tsukimi Kurashita is a young girl living in Tokyo, Japan. Ever since she was little, she’s had a fascination with jellyfish. She lives in an apartment called Amamizukan, a haven for girls with strange interests. But one day, she runs into a “stylish” or at least that’s what everyone in Amamizukan calls them. But little does she know that there may be more to this woman than she thinks. . .

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