Reviews by Tag: action-adventure

Teen Review
Top Gun Maverick

Top Gun- Maverick

By Joseph Kosinski
Star Rating

Rated by
Brayden P.
May 31, 2023

Top Gun Maverick follows the aftermath of the original Top Gun and we see Maverick go back to Top Gun and train the new up and coming pilots in the academy. They are training for a top secret mission that is extremely hard and requires no mistakes or it is over. Maverick has a lot of things in the past trying to weigh him down and this almost stops him.

Teen Review
Charlie Thorne and the Lost City by Stuart Gibbs

Charlie Thorne and the Lost City

By Stuart Gibbs
Star Rating

Rated by
Mia M.
Feb 2, 2023

Charlie Thorne and the Lost City is about a girl named Charlie Thorne who is on the run

because she has dangerous information memorized. When she sets off on an adventure to find

Darwin’s secret discovery, she never imagined the adventures that she faces. I enjoyed this

book because it has a really smart main character and lots of unexpected challenges. My

favorite part is when Charlie gets taught how to paint her nails. I would recommend this book to

Teen Review
Charlie Thorne and the Curse of Cleopatra by Stuart Gibbs

Charlie Thorne and the Curse of Cleopatra

By Stuart Gibbs
Star Rating

Rated by
Mia M.
Jan 24, 2023

Charlie Thorne and the Curse of Cleopatra is about a girl named Charlie Thorne who

just turned 13. She is on the run because she has the world's most valuable piece of

information memorized. A treasure from Cleopatra has Charlie on the hunt. She will face many

challenges and come in possession of many historical artifacts. I enjoyed this story because it

shows a strong female main character. Charlie is strong willed and always wants to do the right

Teen Review
The Maze Runner by James Dashner

The Maze Runner

By James Dashner
Star Rating

Rated by
Isabel P.
Dec 19, 2022

If you are looking for a book with an amazing plot and a ton of action, then this is your book. This sci-fi

novel starts abruptly with your main character Thomas awakening in an elevator with more than a

dozen teenage boys looking down on him. He is pulled into a land enclosed by big walls like a sort of

secluded community, which the boys call “The Glade”. He finds out that the boys try to escape the Glade

every day, though they have never been successful in doing so. All the boys lost their memory, just like

Teen Review
The Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson

The Wingfeather Saga

By Andrew Peterson
Star Rating

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Aug 12, 2022

The main characters in this series are two brothers, a sister and their

mother and grandfather. The eldest of the family is named Janner, the

middle child is named Kalmar, but he goes by his nickname Tink, the

youngest sister is named Leehli, the mother is named Nia and the

grandfather is Podo, their father died in the great war, and their last

name is Igiby. They live in the world of Aerwiar, on the continent of

Skree, which has been taken over by a “Nameless evil called Gnag the

Teen Review
Ever the Hunted by Erin Summerill

Ever the Hunted

By Erin Summerill
Star Rating

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Aug 9, 2022

Britta Flannery is a girl in Malam who is disliked for her Shaerdanian origin on her

mother’s side. Her father was a bounty hunter who was recently murdered, so she wants to find

his murderer and avenge him. However, things aren’t so black and white when she finds out that

her best friend, Cohen, wasn’t the one who actually murdered her father, despite the evidence.

So, she sets out to find the real murderer, but realizes dark things about her past and the King of

Teen Review
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Six of Crows

By Leigh Bardugo
Star Rating

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Aug 2, 2022

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo is fantasy fiction. Kaz Brekker is offered a deadly heist that

could reward in unbelievable riches, but he can’t do it alone. Instead, he creates a crew to help

him on this heist- a runaway, a convict, a sharpshooter, a spy, a thief, and a heartrender.

Through great dangers, the group learns valuable lessons, but will they be able to pull it off?

Teen Review
The Amazing World Gumball Tunnel Kingdom by Ben Bocquellet

The Amazing World Gumball Tunnel Kingdom

By Ben Bocquelet
Star Rating

Rated by
Jul 24, 2022

When Gumball’s super, rare, limited-edition Knife Fightgood action figure finally arrives

at his house, he can hardly contain his excitement. However, his excitement fades away when he

finds out that his action figure has been stolen! Together with Darwin and Anais, Gumball must

use their detective skill to solve the mystery of who stole his most prized possession, and figure

out where Knife Fightgood could be!

Teen Review


By Veronica Roth
Star Rating

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Teen Book Reviewer
Jul 24, 2022

Divergent is about a girl named Betrice Prior who lives in a society made up of 5

groups that will determine which group she will be apart of for the rest of her life.

Beatrice learns she is classified as Divergent, but she cannot tell anyone. She joins a

group but only the top 10 can stay. Tris (later on changing her name as well) realizes

there are many challenges to face, and that she must obey to keep herself alive.

Teen Review
The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna

The Gilded Ones

By Namina Forna
Star Rating

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Jun 23, 2022

16-year-old Deka lives in fear of the blood ceremony that will determine whether she’s “pure” and able to stay in her village or not. However, on the day of the ceremony, her blood runs gold showing that she’s impure. Soon after, a mysterious woman comes to her with a choice to either stay in her village and face a punishment worse than death or leave to fight for the emperor in an  army of girls like her called alaki. Deka decides to leave her old life behind and journeys to the capital to train.

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