Reviews by Tag: dystopian fiction

Teen Review
Red Rising by Pierce Brown

Red Rising

By Pierce Brown
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Sep 30, 2022

Red Rising is a dystopian science fiction novel written by Pierce Brown. The story is about a boy

name Darrow who is a low born miner in Mars who infiltrates the upper class Golds to free his

low class Reds from oppression. The different classes are separated into colors such as low

class colors: Red and Brown and high class colors: Gold and Silver. The only way Darrow can

become a Peerless Scarred and a Gold who can have true power is to be tested in a battle

Teen Review

Red Queen

By Victoria Aveyard
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Sep 13, 2022

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard is a dystopian novel. Mare lives in a world which is separated

by blood. The Silvers have powers and are rulers and royals, while the Reds are villagers. Mare

starts working in the Silver Palace and she discovers that even if she’s red-blooded, she holds a

deadly power. The Silvers fear Mare, so they disguise her as a long lost Silver princess. Knowing

she will die if the silvers find out, Mare secretly starts working with a group named the Red

Teen Review
Scythe by Neal Schusterman


By Neil Shusterman
Star Rating

Rated by
Sophie G.
Sep 6, 2022

Scythe by Neil Shusterman is the story of Citra and Rowan, who live in a world without disease,

hunger, injury, or death. In order to prevent overpopulation, Scythes end the lives of random

citizens. Citra and Rowan are chosen as apprentices to a scythe and must learn the ways of

scythes. Neither wants to be a scythe, as scythes are feared by many. In order to survive, the

two must take on the dreaded responsibility of killing others. This book was absolutely brilliant.

Teen Review


By Veronica Roth
Star Rating

Rated by
E. Alstrom
Sep 3, 2022

In the destroyed city of Chicago, a teen girl named Tris discovers that she is divergent,

or someone who doesn’t fit in to a single faction, in a society where you survival depends on

you ability to fit in. Through trials and danger Tris goes on a journey to discover what her

divergence means for her and for her world, while an unknown danger lurks under her feet. This

is a great book, especially for those looking to get into more complicated reading at a young age

Teen Review
The Giver by Lois Lowry

The Giver

By Lois Lowry
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Aug 29, 2022

The Giver is a dystopian fiction novel written by Lois Lowry. The book is about a society

free of crime and sadness. In this society everything is chosen from your parents to your

partner. The main character is Jonas and he wants to live in a society that is free of emotions

because all peoples' races and emotions are the same. Then, the story continues as he

becomes the memory keeper as all the 12 year olds get jobs. Next, he has to take in all the

Teen Review
Delirium by Lauren Oliver


By Lauren Oliver
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Jul 24, 2022

Lena Haloway lives in a world where love is acknowledged like a disease. If you fall in

love with someone, then that means you’re sick, diseased, infected. Because of this, people

have to take a cure for love when they turn eighteen, which basically turns off your emotions in a

way. Lena’s mother was infected with love, and seeing as to how much love had changed her

mother, Lena decides that she doesn’t ever want to fall in love, and that she wants to be happy

Teen Review


By Veronica Roth
Star Rating

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Teen Book Reviewer
Jul 24, 2022

Divergent is about a girl named Betrice Prior who lives in a society made up of 5

groups that will determine which group she will be apart of for the rest of her life.

Beatrice learns she is classified as Divergent, but she cannot tell anyone. She joins a

group but only the top 10 can stay. Tris (later on changing her name as well) realizes

there are many challenges to face, and that she must obey to keep herself alive.

Teen Review
Unleashed by Sophie Jordan


By Sophie Jordan
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Teen Book Reviewer
Jul 20, 2022

Unleashed, by Sophie Jordan, is a novel about a girl named Davy Hamilton, who is

diagnosed with HTS, Homicidal Tendency Syndrome. Everyone ghosts her; her family,

boyfriend, and even her best friend. Davy is unsure of who she is anymore even when

she is shipped off to a place with teens just like her. She and her friends, Sean, Sabine,

and Gil, attempt to escape to find a better life. But then she gets separated from them

Teen Review
Rated by Melissa Grey


By Melissa Grey
Star Rating

Rated by
Fawzan S.
Jul 18, 2022

In the book called Rated, by Melissa Grey, it is set in a dystopian society where people

survive based off of their ratings. This rating system keeps people in order and it ranks the

society for value. The higher score you have the more value you keep to the society and lower

you have will mean less value and harder work you have to do to then increase rating. At a

school called Maplethorpe Academy, EVERYTHING the people do counts to their ratings.

Teen Review
The Giver by Lois Lowry

The Giver

By Lois Lowry
Star Rating

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Jun 30, 2022

The Giver is a story held in the future where things have changed drastically. At certain ages, you get new things. You have no power over what you do, for your spouse, house, and more.  At 12 you get a desired job. In the story, there are no emotions such as love and no memories either. Jonas, the main character, attends the ceremony to get his job. But instead he gets the role of the receiver.

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