Reviews by Tag: dystopian fiction

Teen Review
1984 by George Orwell


By George Orwell
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Addison S.
Feb 28, 2023

I read 1984 for my English class and I have mixed feelings about Orwell's novel. On one

hand, I really appreciate his writing style and I believe the purpose behind the book is

important for everyone to hear. However, it was a very slow start and terribly boring during

part one. And the ending, don't even get me started. I was not happy that Winston finished

the book submitting to everything he had fought against for years. I couldn't make up my

Teen Review
Unwind by Neal Shusterman


By Neal Shusterman
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Feb 10, 2023

Unwind by Neal Shusterman is the first book in a 4 book series, which Shusterman refers to as

a “dystology.” After a war breaks out between pro-life and pro-choice people in America, both

sides come to an agreement to implement a practice called “unwinding,” or the retroactive

abortion of teenagers ages 13-18. The method promises to keep 98% of the child’s body alive,

but harvest all of their organs and donate them. This is the story of three teens, Connor, Risa,

Teen Review
1984 by George Orwell


By George Orwell
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Jan 23, 2023

1984, an iconic dystopian novel by George Orwell wastes little time with pleasantries;

something is off with this world from the brilliant first line: “It was a bright cold day in April,

and the clocks were striking thirteen” (Orwell 1). Protagonist Winston Smith works for the

oppressive Oceanic government; he mulls over past news and texts to alter the past in order to fit

the desires of the government. As the novel progresses, he grows wary of the government’s

Teen Review
The Giver by Lois Lowry

The Giver

By Lois Lowry
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Victoria O.
Jan 6, 2023

The Giver by Lois Lowry is a classic dystopian book. Jonas receives the Assignment or job of

Receiver of Memory. The old Receiver of Memory, otherwise known as the Giver, is giving

Jonas the memories of the world. The Giver begins by giving Jonas happy memories.

Memories of sledding and sunshine. But, the Giver must also give Jonas the memories of pain,

memories of war, starvation, and death. Jonas knows that there are many things wrong with his

Teen Review
War Storm by Victoria Aveyard

War Storm

By Victoria Aveyard
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Dec 7, 2022

War Storm by Victoria Aveyard is the fourth book in the Red Queen series. After Cal’s betrayal,

Mare decides to overthrow the kingdom of Norta once and for all and bring Maven down. Mare

must work together with Cal and his silver allies to ensure their success. Maven doesn’t back

down and is still fixated on having Mare as his own. He will do anything, even destroy anything

Teen Review
King’s Cage by Victoria Aveyard

King’s Cage

By Victoria Aveyard
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Dec 7, 2022

King’s Cage by Victoria Aveyard is the third book in the Red Queen series. Maven, now a king,

has imprisoned Mare and took away her lethal power. Her new team prepares for war, and Cal,

the rightful, but exiled, heir to the throne of Norta, will do anything to get Mare back from his evil

brother. Will they succeed, or will Norta burn down in flames after the heated war breaks out?

Teen Review
Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard

Glass Sword

By Victoria Aveyard
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Likhita A.
Oct 25, 2022

Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard is the second book in the Red Queen series. Only people with

silver blood, the royals, hold powers. Mare, red-blooded, finds out she holds a deadly power of

her own, which can match any silver. She finds out more people are out there like her, and sets

out on a quest to find people to rebel against a friend who has betrayed her. What she didn’t

Teen Review
Morning Star by Pierce Brown

Morning Star

By Pierce Brown
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Sep 30, 2022

Morning Star is a dystopian science fiction novel written by Pierce Brown which ends the trilogy.

Darrow remains captured and is tortured by his captors severely. In his lowest point he must

escape and stop the Jackal and the Soveriegn from controlling the Society. Darrow shall

regroup with his fallen friends, Sevro and Ragnar, while also cooperating with his old flame

Mustang to once and for all break the shackles that hold the Red from freedom. Darrow must

Teen Review
Golden Son by Pierce Brown

Golden Son

By Pierce Brown
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Sep 30, 2022

Golden Son is a dystopian science fiction novel written by Pierce Brown. Darrow remains

undercover as a Peerless Scarred Gold. He is in danger of losing favor of being discarded by

the Archgoverner of Mars due to not meeting expectations. With no news from Ares Darrow is a

spy left stranded and isolated from comrades and friends. Darrow’s dream is put to the test

when he has to face the political maneuvering of High Society and the reigning Sovereign. The

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