Reviews by Tag: shadowhunters

Teen Review
Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare

Chain of Gold

By Cassandra Clare
Star Rating

Rated by
Leilani G.
Jan 28, 2023

Chain of Gold, by Cassandra Clare, follows a group of shadowhunters,

descendants of angels whose main goal is to kill demons, in 1903 London. Cordelia

Carstairs is a young shadowhunter moving to England with her family. While there she

reunites with her childhood love, James Herondale, his sister and Cordelia’s best friend,

Lucie, and a host of new characters. While Cordelia gets acclimated to her new home, a

Teen Review
City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare

City of Heavenly Fire

By Cassandra Clare
Star Rating

Rated by
Alyssa F.
Jan 19, 2023

City of Heavenly Fire is the last installment of the Mortal Instruments series. Going into reading

it, I was feeling very hopeful yet worried it wouldn’t live up to my expectations, as I have loved

the whole series. Let me tell you, this book did not disappoint. The book follows the final story of

Clary and her friends facing the greatest evil to face shadowhunters as a whole, her brother

Teen Review
Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Princess

By Cassandra Clare
Star Rating

Rated by
Teen Book Reviewer
Aug 3, 2022

Clockwork Princess is the final book to the Infernal Devices. Tessa is

engaged to the declining and loving Jem but is still confused with her

feeling for Will. But as she tries to figure it out, she gets kidnapped by the

evil Mortmain in need of her powers. As Wills sets out to find her, Tessa

figures out the real reason behind why Mortmain needs her. With twists and

turns, this finale will not disappoint readers.

Teen Review
Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Prince

By Cassandra Clare
Star Rating

Rated by
Teen Book Reviewer
Aug 3, 2022

Clockwork Prince is the next novel in the Infernal Devices. Tessa has

finally become comfortable living with the Shadowhunters and is looking for

the Magister’s secrets. Along the way, she find out more about who she is

and what other secret hold. Her shapeshifting powers become more

powerful and she finds out there is a spy among them. Will starts telling

more of his past and Tessa is falling in love with Jem. Will they be able to

Teen Review
Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

Clockwork Angel

By Cassandra Clare
Star Rating

Rated by
Teen Book Reviewer
Aug 3, 2022

Clockwork Angel is about Tessa, a girl who is set out to find her older

brother who mysteriously vanished. She learns she herself holds power of

shape-shifting powers after getting kidnapped by 2 sisters. She now is

being treated differently since nobody has seen such powers. Determined

to find her brother, Tessa starts helping the Shadowhunters in exchange for

finding him.

Teen Review
Chain of Iron by Cassandra Clare

Chain of Iron

By Cassandra Clare
Star Rating

Rated by
Teen Book Reviewer
Aug 2, 2022

Chain of Iron is about how Cordelia’s life isn’t as great as it seems.

Although she is married to James, he is still in love with Grace. The

marriage is more for protection than it is for love. And if things couldn’t get

any worse, they did. A serial killer is on the loose and all of them hide

secrets that may be deadly.

I liked this book, I think this series is really good. I wish the 3rd book would

come by now, I really want to know what happens next.

Teen Review
Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare

Chain of Gold

By Cassandra Clare
Star Rating

Rated by
Teen Book Reviewer
Aug 2, 2022

Chain of Gold is about a girl named Cordelia who is from a family of

Shadowhunters. Cordelia’s mother wants her to marry to help save the

family’s reputation when her father is arrested, but Cordelia wants to focus

on saving vicious demons with James and Lucy Herondale. Although

Cordelia likes James, he likes Grace Blackthorn, who is quite a character

with her mother hating the Herondales.

Teen Review
City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare

City of Heavenly Fire

By Cassandra Clare
Star Rating

Rated by
Teen Book Reviewer
Aug 2, 2022

City of Heavenly Fire is the last novel in the Mortal Instruments series.

The Shadowhunter World is slowly getting taken over by by Clary’s own

brother, Sebastian, the most powerful shadowhunter. As they continue

trying to fight him, some new characters are introduced like the Carstairs

and Blackthorn, (from the Last Hour Series). The final book in the

Shadowhunters is action packed, and has a lot of twists and turns as you

read this page-turner.

Teen Review
City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare

City of Fallen Angels

By Cassandra Clare
Star Rating

Rated by
Teen Book Reviewer
Aug 2, 2022

City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare is the 4th book of the mortal

instruments. While figuring out his confusing relationship with Clary, Jace

starts to have nightmares about killing Clary. Simon is also trying to figure

out how to solve his own sturggles and the question, who is trying to kill

him. Also, other events are happening like Clary’s mother waking up,

somebody is creating demonic babies, and the mention of Zachariah and

Teen Review
City of Glass by Cassandra Clare

City of Glass

By Cassandra Clare
Star Rating

Rated by
Teen Book Reviewer
Aug 2, 2022

City of Glass is the continued adventure of Clary Fray who is still trying to

figure out her life as a shadowhunter. Her mom’s in a magical coma and

her father turns out to be Valentine. Clary just wants to go back to normal

after all that’s happening. Things start getting more interesting as there is a

serial murderer trying to kill innocent kids, the main suspect being

Valentine. Jace turns out to be her brother and is accused of helping her

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