Reviews by Tag: teen romance

Teen Review
The One Kiera Cass

The One

By Kiera Cass
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Jun 13, 2022

The One by Kiera Cass is dystopian fiction and the third book in the series. It’s finally time for the winner of the Selection to be announced. As the end approaches, so do threats outside the palace, and America realizes how much she actually has to lose and how hard she’ll have to work to get her dreams back. She must make one final decision. This book was a great way to finish the series. There were plot twists I wasn’t expecting. I loved seeing the development of friendship between the characters.

Teen Review
Cover photo of the book The Elite

The Elite

By Kiera Cass
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Jun 13, 2022

The Elite by Kiera Cass is dystopian fiction and the second book in the series. America Singer has made it this far into the Selection, now there are six others left. The fight for Prince Maxon’s love is intense as can be but America is still confused as to what her heart wants; to live the life she could have never imagined with Maxon or live her life the way she always thought she would with Aspen.

Teen Review
Cover photo of the book The Selection

The Selection

By Kiera Cass
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Jun 13, 2022

The Selection by Kiera Cass is a dystopian fiction about a world that is organized by castes. 35 girls from different castes are randomly selected to compete to be the future princess. For most, it's the dream and the opportunity of a lifetime. But not for America Singer. Being Selected means she leaves her home, family, and secret love for a world she doesn’t even want.

Teen Review
Batter Royale by Liesl Adams

Batter Royale

By Liesl Adams
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Anna S.
Jun 10, 2022

Rose is a 17 year old who has recently gotten into her dream college. There is only one sight problem… Rose can’t afford this fancy culinary school. Rose is working at a restaurant where her friend Fred also works when a food critic comes into the restaurant. She tries some of Rose’s food and invites her to be on a baking show where she could win half a million dollars! Rose and Fred travel to the baking show as friends, but might become more than friends.

Teen Review

Eleanor and Park

By Rainbow Rowell
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Jun 10, 2022

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell is a realistic fiction book set in 1986 and follows Eleanor and Park.  Eleanor is a new girl in town and she couldn’t stick out more. Park is the boy in the back of the bus who thinks he’s invisible. But not to Eleanor. The two bond over mixtapes and comics. Even with their mountain of problems, they fall in love, knowing it might not last. Yet they’re brave enough to try. I read this book for school and to be honest, I hated it.

Teen Review
She Drives Me Crazy by Kelly Quindlen

She Drives Me Crazy

By Kelly Quindlen
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Mariam S.
Jun 10, 2022

She Drives Me Crazy is teen novel following the relationship between basketball player Scottie Zajac and cheerleader Irene Abraham. It’s the start of the basketball season, and Scottie’s team is playing against their rival high school. When Scottie is assigned to guard her toxic ex-girlfriend Tally her focus starts to slip and they end up losing.

Teen Review
The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon

The Sun is Also a Star

By Nicola Yoon
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Anna S.
Jun 6, 2022

Natasha is a girl who believes in facts and knows them very well. A fact she currently knows all too well right now is that tonight her family is going to have to leave America. Natasha knows that this is not her fault, it was her father’s but she has to deal with the consequences and move from New York to Jamaica. All on her mind is fixing the problem that was not hers in the first place.

Teen Review

Everything Everything

By Nicola Yoon
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Anna S.
May 27, 2022

Madeline is very sick. She has a compromised immune system and she basically can’t leave her house. The air in her house is purified and filtered, her books have to be wrapped and packaged in a special way, and everything must be clean. She is just living her everyday life when all the sudden, a cute boy about her age moves in the house right next to hers. Madeline can’t just help but wonder what he is like and more importantly what a life with him would be like. Maybe one day she will find out.


Teen Review
The Rest of the Story by Sarah Dessen

The Rest of the Story

By Sarah Dessen
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Anna S.
May 23, 2022

Emma aka Saylor to some people is headed to a new environment for 3 weeks in the summer. She is going to where her mother grew up. Emma gets to the lake and it is a little awkward at first. These people are her family but she hardly knows them and she is expected to spend 3 weeks here! At first, she has mixed feelings at the lake, but then she meets some people who might just happen to change her mind even if their relationship is complicated. Very complicated. Emma will learn more about her mother’s past before she became an addict and passed away.

Teen Review
Majesty by Katharine McGee


By Katharine McGee
Star Rating

Rated by
Anna S.
May 21, 2022

The sequel to American Royals is truly magnificent. The royal family has lost so much this year. The county has lost a King, but Beatrice, Samantha, and Jefferson have lost their father. Beatrice is finding her place as the soon to be Queen. Some of the duties and opportunities the past Kings have completed are now being taken away from her because she is an unmarried Queen. She again has to choose her duty or her heart. Samantha is still sorting out her life after high school and trying to find love.

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