Reviews by Tag: world war II

Teen Review
Under the Blood-Red Sun by Graham Salisbury

Under the Blood-Red Sun

By Graham Salisbury
Star Rating

Rated by
Parker R.
Mar 21, 2022

Tomi Nakaji is a young Japanese-American boy growing up on the streets of Hawai’i. All his life knows is school, fishing, his baseball team, and his friends.

So when the Japanese Empire bombs Pearl Harbor, throwing America headfirst into World War Two, the American people are looking for someone to blame. Soon, his grandfather and father are detained solely for their Japanese heritage, even though they are loyal Americans. His mother is fired from her housekeeping job because it “does not look good” to give a Japanese-American woman work.

Teen Review
The Diary of Anne Frank and Related Readings

The Diary of Anne Frank and Related Readings

By Frances Goodrich
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Feb 21, 2022

The Diary of Anne Frank and Related Readings, edited by Frances Goodrich, is Historical Non-Fiction. Hiding with the Van Pels family was the Frank family. Among the Frank family was Anne Frank, a young woman who, no matter what happens, is always so cheerful. The Frank family, along with the Van Pels family, goes into hiding in the Secret Annex. The Secret Annex is a very tight place. There are strict rules, and everyone has to obey them. Anne writes down her feelings and what goes around in the annex.

Teen Review
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

The Book Thief

By Markus Zusak
Star Rating

Rated by
N.A. Singh
Dec 9, 2021

Told through the point of view of Death, we follow a young German girl named Liesel. She is living in the midst of World War II in Germany, the heart of the Nazi regime. After stealing her very first book, she finds comfort in the words and develops a passion for reading and learning. However, soon her life is put into danger when her parents decide to hide a Jew, the once thought of enemy.

Teen Review
Resistance by Jennifer A. Nielsen


By Jennifer A. Nielsen
Star Rating

Rated by
Shreya A.
Oct 21, 2021

This historical fiction book written by Jennifer A. Nielsen is an engrossing and suspenseful novel with crazy plot twists and diverse characters. Chaya (the main character) is a resistance fighter against the Nazis. She teams up with a girl she despises at first and quickly learns to love her like a sister. They move from ghetto to ghetto, trying to help their people fight.

Teen Review
When You and I Collide by Kate Norris

When You and I Collide

By Kate Norris
Star Rating

Rated by
Marium K.
Oct 21, 2021

Winnie is a 16-year-old girl that can see things no one else can. She can see “splits,” when two outcomes diverge; also known as the multi verse theory. She keeps her power a secret, because she knows it could be used among the midst of the WWII.  Her physicist father experiments on her to see if she could change the future and the past. It was all fine until Scott, her father’s lab assistant, gets injured. Winnie chooses the reality where he is fine, but she finds out she doesn’t belong there.

Teen Review
White Rose by Kip Wilson

White Rose

By Kip Wilson
Star Rating

Rated by
Shreya A.
Oct 5, 2021

White Rose is an inspiring and active historical fiction novel by Kip Wilson. This book is about Sophie and her brother who fight for not their freedom but the freedom of others. They hand out pamphlets outside their college classrooms talking about World War II that has taken many innocent Jewish lives. They get caught and are sentenced to death for their betrayal to their country. 

Teen Review
All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

All the Light We Cannot See

By Anthony Doerr
Star Rating

Rated by
Ayan A.
Oct 1, 2021

This novel is about two characters and their stories while living through the Second World War. Marie-Laure is a young, blind girl who lives with her father in Paris but is forced to move to Saint-Malo after German occupation. Werner is a young orphan from Zollverein with incredible talent who is enlisted in the army after attending a Nazi training school. Ultimately, their paths collide and they try surviving the devastation of the war.

Teen Review
Resistance by Jennifer A. Nielsen


By Jennifer A. Nielsen
Star Rating

Rated by
Shreya A.
Jul 8, 2021

This historical fiction book written by Jennifer A. Nielsen is engrossing and suspenseful, with crazy plot twists and diverse characters. Chaya (the main character) is a resistance fighter against the Nazis. She teams up with a girl she despises at first and quickly learns to love her like a sister. They move from ghetto to ghetto, trying to help their people fight. This book discusses the struggles the Jews had to face in the hands of their enemy. Resistance has made me realize what true courage and strength is.

Teen Review
The Dog Who Could Fly by Damien Lewis

The Dog Who Could Fly

By Damien Lewis
Star Rating

Rated by
Gemma K.
May 5, 2021

The Dog Who Could Fly is the true story of a German Shepherd who was rescued by a Chezhslovakian WWII airman. The dog, who was named Antis, formed an unbelievably close relationship with Robert, his master. When Robert was on missions flying, Antis would wait beside the runway till he returned, refusing food and water till his master was back. He became the good luck charm of Robert’s plane and teammates in the British Air Force.

Teen Review
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

The Book Thief

By Markus Zusak
Star Rating

Rated by
Gemma K.
Apr 20, 2021

The Book Thief is a historical fiction novel about a girl named Liesel who loves words and books, to the extent that she is willing to steal them. It is narrated by the sarcastic, ever working, overwhelmed, and caring Death throughout the period of World War II.

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