Teen and Staff Reviews

Teen Review
The Vanishing Stair

The Vanishing Stair

By Maureen Johnson
Star Rating

Rated by
Alice Summers
Mar 31, 2023

Maureen Johnson’s “The Vanishing Stair” is an intriguing and capable second book in the Ellingham trilogy. Following Stevie Bell in her return to Ellingham Academy, this book furthers both the current and twentieth century mysteries.

Teen Review
Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson

Truly Devious

By Maureen Johnson
Star Rating

Rated by
Alice Summers
Mar 31, 2023

Twisting and complex, Maureen Johnson’s “Truly Devious” is an extremely solid start to a new YA mystery series. Centered around the prestigious boarding school Ellingham Academy, the novel follows amateur detective Stevie Bell as she begins her first year at the school. Ellingham is notorious for a double kidnapping and a murder that occurred in the early twentieth century, and Stevie is determined to solve the case while studying there.

Teen Review
The Box in the Woods

The Box in the Woods

By Maureen Johnson
Star Rating

Rated by
Alice Summers
Mar 31, 2023

Maureen Johnson’s “The Box in the Woods” is an intriguing and entertaining return to her Truly Devious trilogy. 
      Stevie and her housemates Nate and Janelle are offered counselor jobs at a summer camp where four teenagers were brutally murdered in the 1970s. Told from both the point of view of characters in the current day and the past, the mysterious of Camp Sunny Pines begin to unravel towards a shocking conclusion.

Teen Review
Lovely War

Lovely War

By Julie Berry
Star Rating

Rated by
Alice Summers
Mar 31, 2023

Julie Berry’s “Lovely War” is a poignant, moving take on passion, young love, and the loss of innocence. The novel begins with a conversation between the Greek gods in an effort to answer why Love is always drawn to war, but quickly spirals into the tale of Hazel and James, two teenagers in a time of chaos. 

Teen Review
Any Sign of Life

Any Sign of Life

By Rae Carson
Star Rating

Rated by
Alice Summers
Mar 31, 2023

Rae Carson’s “Any Sign of Life” is a survival story with a heartfelt edge. 
      The novel centers Paige Miller, a skilled teenage basketball player, who becomes extremely sick and passes out. When she wakes up days later, everyone is dead. She’s somehow avoided the arrival of the apocalypse, but now everyone she loves is gone. 

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