Teen and Staff Reviews

Teen Review
As Good as Dead by Holy Jackson

As Good As Dead

By Holly Jackson
Star Rating

Rated by
Eva K.
Aug 15, 2022

As good as dead is an exceptionally well

written book. From the very first sentence

all the way to the very last page it keeps

you entertained. I loved how the ending of

the book was so subtle yet it gave you enough

information to let you know exactly what

happened. I loved the different perspectives

that we received from this book and it was a

very enjoyable read. The book takes us on a

journey through Pip’s 3rd year in a row

investigating a missing persons’ case but

Teen Review
The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett by Chelsea Sedoti

The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett

By Chelsea Sedoti
Star Rating

Rated by
Sahavi B.
Aug 13, 2022

The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett is a story about Hawthorn Creely who has recently found an

obsession with Lizzie Lovetts disappearance, a popular,charming girl that used to go to her

highschool. Hawthorn finds herself fascinated by Lizzie and starts immersing herself in her life.

At first she does it unknowingly by getting a job at the cafe where Lizzie worked, but then she

meets Lorenzo Calvetti, Lizzie's boyfriend. The two of them, driven by wanting to find out what

Teen Review
The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

The Inheritance Games

By Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Star Rating

Rated by
Aug 13, 2022

One day she lives in the back of an old car; the next day she is a multi-billionaire, owns a vast

estate, and lives in an abnormal household with hidden clues, untold stories, and mysterious

places. Well, that’s what happened to Avery Kylie Gambs when she abruptly found out Tobias

Hawthorne, one of the richest in the country, left all his money and property to Avery; here’s the

catch: no one does know why. Meanwhile, Tobias’ children and four grandsons were left with

Teen Review
Words of Radience by Brandon Sanderson

Words of Radiance

By Brandon Sanderson
Star Rating

Rated by
Aug 13, 2022

Summary: After escaping from Sadeas’s camp with Dalinar’s aid, Kaladin has everything

he’s ever wanted: a battalion of soldiers, all under his command. Dalinar, on the other hand,

finds himself in much more trouble than before, with Sadeas’s betrayal splitting the highprinces

into two sides, making it much more difficult to unite them. Meanwhile, Shallan and Jasnah are

traveling to the Shattered Plains in search of Urithiru, in the hopes they can prevent the return of

the voidbringers.

Teen Review
Storm Front by Jim Butcher

Storm Front

By Jim Butcher
Star Rating

Rated by
Aug 13, 2022

Summary: Harry Dresden is a detective wizard living in Chicago. Having difficulty paying

rent, he eagerly takes a job from a woman named Monica Sells, asking him to find her husband

who disappeared while dabbling in magic. What at first seems like a simple case though soon

turns into something far more dangerous than Harry could’ve imagined.

Teen Review
The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson

The Alloy of Law

By Brandon Sanderson
Star Rating

Rated by
Aug 13, 2022

Summary: Waxillium has spent the past five years patrolling the roughs, patrolling the

streets as a deputy and being a hero to all who live there. However, after the tragic death of his

lover, Lessie, and of his rich uncle, Wax finds himself back in the city. There, he mourns his

losses and takes over his uncle’s estate, assuming that his life of crime-fighting has ended. To

his surprise though, it may have only just begun.

Teen Review
Last Argument of Kings by Joe Abercrombie

Last Argument of Kings

By Joe Abercrombie
Star Rating

Rated by
Aug 13, 2022

Summary: After a long journey with Bayaz, Logen Ninefingers has decided to return to

the North in order to settle a few scores, specifically with Bethod. Jezal Dan Luther is trying to

figure out how to live a normal life, one that he dreamed about while on the plains, though this

proves to be more difficult than he first expected. Glokta, under the instruction of the Arch

Lector, is doing everything he can to gain votes for their choice of the new king, as the old king’s

Teen Review
Before They Are Hanged by Joe Abercrombie

Before They Are Hanged

By Joe Abercrombie
Star Rating

Rated by
Aug 13, 2022

Summary: Superior Glokta is on a mission to defend Dogoska, a city about to be

attacked by the Ghurkish. With few soldiers, weak walls, and a government who refuses to work

with him, Gloka must act quickly or die trying. Bayaz, Logen, Jezal, Ferro, and a few others

have set out on a quest for The Seed, a powerful yet mysterious stone that Bayaz claims can

solve all their problems. The only problem is, it’s on the opposite side of the world, and many

dangerous obstacles lie ahead of them. Finally, Colonel West has been put in charge of

Teen Review
The Blade Itself

The Blade Itself

By Joe Abercrombie
Star Rating

Rated by
Aug 13, 2022

Summary: Logen Ninefingers was once the most feared man in the North. But now, he is

presumed dead. He must brave the harsh wilderness and face many challenges to even have a

chance of returning home, although with his fate at the hands of a mysterious wizard, nothing is

for certain. Jezal Dan Luther is one of the greatest fencers in Adua, but with his heart distracted

by a lover, and his hatred towards training, he is unsure of whether he even wants to fence any

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