Teen and Staff Reviews

Teen Review
The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises

Star Rating

Rated by
Aryan C.
Oct 21, 2021

The end to an amazing trilogy was hard to think of because many people loved the Christopher Nolan trilogy but for the final movie this could not have been better. I loved every second of The Dark Knight Rises because it creates a whole new Batman. After Batman took the responsibility for Harvey Dent’s crimes, Two Face, he quit being Batman. Eight years later Bruce Wayne stays locked in his room at Wayne Manor until a highly skilled and deadly opponent introduces himself to Gotham.

Teen Review
The Dark Knight movie

The Dark Knight

Star Rating

Rated by
Aryan C.
Oct 21, 2021

The Dark Knight is an amazing movie from the aftermath of Batman Begins. This new Batman movie has action, mystery, suspense, and drama. The Dark Knight begins with a mysterious murder being chased by Batman. The Clown Prince of Crime wants to see the city burn and is obsessed with showing Batman they are the same. Bruce Wayne tries to stop the Joker but every step he takes he ends up losing someone. I recommend this movie to everyone, superheroes fans or not, because it has everything you would want in an action and suspenseful movie.

Teen Review
Batman Begins movie

Batman Begins

Star Rating

Rated by
Aryan C.
Oct 21, 2021

Batman Begins was a mind-blowing movie to watch because it showed how Gotham was meant to be. In DC’s previous 4 Batman films they introduce Gotham in a good way, but Christopher Nolan has introduced the best Gotham City that could be made. Batman Begins starts in a gritty, dark, dirty, and crime infested city where Bruce Wayne’s parents get shot. He becomes an orphan and leaves Gotham to train as a member of the League of Assassins. Once Bruce found out what the League’s plans were for Gotham, he destroyed it.

Teen Review
Aquaman movie


Star Rating

Rated by
Aryan C.
Oct 21, 2021

Arthur Curry in Aquaman is different from the Aquaman characters you might be used to. I had an amazing time watching Aquaman because it showed a different type of Arthur Curry. In this new film, after the storyline of Justice League, a half Atlantean –half human named Arthur Curry gave up on the sea. He is a mess who wants to look out for his dad.

Teen Review
Justice League movie

Justice League

Star Rating

Rated by
Aryan C.
Oct 21, 2021

Justice League was an amazing and a unique movie that DC brought into their new superhero series because in this new movie they introduce all the characters instead of Marvel’s format where they introduce all of the characters in their own separate movie and then make a movie where they come together, The Avengers.

Teen Review
Follow Your Arrow by Jessica Verdi

Follow Your Arrow

By Jessica Verdi
Star Rating

Rated by
Marium K.
Oct 21, 2021

CeCe Ross and her girlfriend, Silvie, are known to many people as social media influencers. But when Silvie breaks up with CeCe, she wonders if Silvie is not the only thing she will lose. Things seemed to being going good for Cece when she meets Josh, a boy who doesn’t partake in social media. But trouble brews for CeCe when she can’t seem to separate her private and public life.

Teen Review
A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking by T. Kingfisher

A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking

By T. Kingfisher
Star Rating

Rated by
Marium K.
Oct 21, 2021

In a world full of powerful wizards, lives 14 year old Mona. Mona is a wizard, but she isn’t an all mighty one, she has to power to make magical bread. All’s well in Mona’s life until she suddenly finds a dead body on the floor of her aunt’s bakery. She soon finds out that an assassin is roaming her city, and she’s the next of his prey. This book is like taking a deep breath of fresh air. I was hooked onto every page while reading this book. I enjoyed living vicariously through Mona and her gingerbread familiar, Bob.

Teen Review
Wonder Woman 1984 DVD

Wonder Woman 1984

Star Rating

Rated by
Aryan C.
Oct 21, 2021

Wonder Woman 1984 was a spectacular movie with everything you would want to see in it. The movie is about 2 hours and 30 minutes, and every second is worth it to see these spectacular action scenes and thriller self v. self scenes. WW84 begins with fast-forwarding through Diana’s life up to 1984. Diana comes across an artifact that could make anyone’s wishes come true.

Teen Review
Wonder Woman movie

Wonder Woman

Star Rating

Rated by
Aryan C.
Oct 21, 2021

After being introduced to Wonder Woman in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice this movie travels back to when Diana helped save the world from a war. Wonder Woman begins with Diana as a child who learns how to fight. She was raised on an island which was guarded by Zeus' dying power. Diana grows up and meets Steve Trevor. She goes with him to end the war and defeat Ares, the God of War.

Teen Review
Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice

Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice

Star Rating

Rated by
Aryan C.
Oct 21, 2021

To me Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice was a complex movie because I first watched it when I was 10 years old. It took me until I was 14 years old to understand everything in the movie and once, I finally understood how Lex Luthor was planning everything then I understood why Batman and Superman fought. This movie starts with Lex Luthor placing pieces of evidence and setups at crime scenes for Batman to find. Bruce Wayne, Batman, assumes that Superman will turn evil, so he prepares.

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