Reviews by Category: Biography

Teen Review
Racing with Aloha

Racing with Aloha

By Fred Haywood
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Feb 12, 2024

Racing with Aloha starts with the story of how Mark Haywood's childhood growing up in Hawaii influenced him to finish High School in California on a swim scholarship. Then, go on to be a champion swimmer, to champion windsurfer, to father, and very successful realtor on his home island of Maui. The book follows Mark's life growing up barefooted and in the water in Hawaii. When he starts swimming competitively, he finds out he has a really special talent.

Teen Review
Beautiful Boy by David Sheff

Beautiful Boy

By David Sheff
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Jan 26, 2024

This heartbreaking true story explores a father’s perspective while his son battles addiction. He tries so hard to understand his son through research and talking to experts. He watches as their relationship changes, and he tries to love his son. This is one of my favorite books. It is heartbreaking and shows how addiction affects an entire family. It also shows how much-loved ones truly want to help you. The book is a slow read, so it forced me to think about the book and its effects.

Teen Review


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Anna S.
Jan 23, 2024

The movie Race follows the story of Jesse Owens in his life and athletics, leading up to the 1936 Olympics. Jesse starts out in his home state of Alabama with his family, girlfriend, and daughter. People know how great of an athlete he is, but his full potential is realized when he gets the opportunity to go to college at Ohio State University to participate in track. He becomes a star, beating world records and making it look easy.

Teen Review
Glossy book cover


By Marisa Meltzer
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Anna S.
Dec 29, 2023

Glossier, you may or may not have heard of it, but to sum it up, it is a makeup and skincare brand popular among cosmetic enthusiasts and common people alike. This book, Glossy, follows the quite interesting story of Emily Weiss, the founder of Glossier, in her life before the brand, during creation of the brand, and recent life. It starts with discussing how Weiss had somewhat of an aura to her that helped along her success and became an intern at teen vogue.

Teen Review
KD: Kevin Durant's Relentless Pursuit to Be the Greatest book cover

KD: Kevin Durant's Relentless Pursuit to Be the Greatest

By Marcus Thompson II
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Pranav P.
Dec 8, 2023

Kevin Durant's Relentless Pursuit to Be the Greatest, written by Marcus Thompson, is the biography of one of the greatest basketball players in NBA history. This book embarks the life of Kevin Durant starting in Seattle with the Sonics to Thunder in OKC to the Warriors in San Francisco and finally to the Brooklyn Nets. The book helps us understand what his struggles were and how he had to work hard to be one of the best. The book describes KD’s upbringing as well as how hard he worked even as small kid.

Teen Review
They Called Us Enemy

They Called Us Enemy

By George Takei
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Nov 3, 2023

They Called Us Enemy, by the incredible George Takei, tells the story of the Japanese internment camps during World War two from the perspective of young George himself, who experienced it. This book shows the truth about the horrors many Japanese- Americans faced in America during World War II. From being forced to leave their homes and belongings behind, to living in stable cars that reek of manure, George tells the horrifying story of his childhood, and the war that overshadowed it all.

Teen Review
Born a Crime by Trevor Noah

Born a Crime

By Trevor Noah
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Pranav P.
Oct 31, 2023

Born a Crime, written by Trever Noah is quite wry, but it is hard-hitting. tribute to Noah’s mother, a deeply religious woman of unfathomable bravery. Trever Noah is one my favorite comedians. The book is a tribute to Noah’s mother, a deeply religious woman of unfathomable bravery.

Teen Review
Without You, There Is No Us book cover

Without You, There Is No Us

By Suki Kim
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Ava J.
Oct 9, 2023

In Without You, There Is No Us, Suki Kim shows us a world most would consider psychological warfare. Inside one of the most elite schools in Pyongyang, Suki Kim teaches English in a world of censorship from not only her Supervisors but also her peers. Suki finds herself bonding with her students which only makes being under the umbrella of the DPRKs watchful eye even more painful.  This book gives you the suspense of a mystery and the fear of a horror book…except it’s not fiction.

Teen Review
Born a Crime book cover

Born a Crime

By Trevor Boah
Star Rating

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Rishi Tek
Oct 9, 2023

Born a Crime is the story of comedian Trevor Noah who portrays his upbringing in apartheid-era South Africa, where his existence was illegal due to the government ban on interracial relationships. The book consists of a collection of stories from Noah's childhood and early adulthood. It explores his family's experiences under apartheid, his mother's determination to provide a better life, and his own journey of self-discovery.

Teen Review Sep 29, 2023

The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is an autobiography penned by Douglass as he recounts his life in slavery and his escape to freedom. This book offers a first hand view from someone who had to bear the harsh conditions of being a slave. Douglass starts off with being separated from his mother at a very young age and begins to work on plantations. Throughout his life as a slave, he moves to a plethora of different plantations with different plantation owners.

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