Reviews by Category: Fiction

Teen Review
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert

Madame Bovary

By Gustave Flaubert
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Feb 22, 2023

In the Historical Fiction novel Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert details the tumultuous

love story between a depressed wife and an unparalleled loving husband to highlight the evil

inherent in the upper classes. The wife, Madame Bovary, is a farm girl who has spent her life

trying to be a maiden like in her childhood fairy tales and marries a country doctor, Mister

Bovary, who will do anything to satisfy her. This includes doing whatever she wants, being

Teen Review
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

Wuthering Heights

By Emily Bronte
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Feb 22, 2023

In the historical fiction novel Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte tells the life story of the

Vengeful Heathcliff as retold by a guest of his estate after being informed by a maid who cared

for Catherine Earnshaw from young till now. A young man of unknown origins, Heathcliff grows

up the apple of his adopted father's eye, leaving the man's actual children belligerent. An

immoral relationship unwittingly forms between Heathcliff and his sister, Catherin Earnshaw, one

Teen Review
Zombie by Joyce Carol Oates


By Joyce Carol Oates
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Feb 22, 2023

In the fictional novel Zombie, Joyce Carol Oates tells the story of a serial killer with a

very twisted obsession. The main character, who calls himself Q_ P_, is a seemingly average

thirty-one-year-old male from a well-to-do family that attends college; however, beneath the

surface, he is a convicted sex offender who dreams of possessing an utterly subservient dark,

strong man. To accomplish this dream, he spends the book experimenting with different

Teen Review
A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry

A Raisin in the Sun

By Lorraine Hansberry
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Feb 22, 2023

In the play-write A Raisin in the Sun, Lorraine Hansberry describes the resulting conflicts

in a poor African American family, the Youngers, who suddenly acquire a large sum of money:

10,000 dollars in life insurance from their father's death. Within the Younger family household,

we have Lena younger, her two adult children Beneatha and Walter, Walter's wife Ruth, and her

and Walter's child, Travis. Together they are staying in a small two-bedroom apartment that

Teen Review
Awkward by Svetlana Chmakova


By Svetlana Chmakova
Star Rating

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Mia M.
Feb 21, 2023

Awkward is about a middle schooler named Pepi Torres. She has three cardinal rules for

surviving middle school. On her first day as the new kid at Berrybrook Middle School, she

makes a mistake that haunts her for the next few months. When she has to get science

tutoring with a boy that she can barely talk to, she must face her fears and break the awkward

silence, I like this book because it is relatable to middle schoolers. My favorite part is when Pepi

Teen Review
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins


By Suzanne Collins
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Feb 20, 2023

Proof that a good series can always take a sharp downhill turn, the Mockingjay book truly

depresses me being the final book of the series. With so much potential lost on this book, it is

hard for me to recommend it. The book might not have been so bad had it been followed up with

the hunger games of the capital’s children, its ending truly sucked. Also, I will never forgive the

author for having killed off the best character in the series, Finnick. I wouldn’t recommend this

Teen Review
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Catching Fire

By Suzanne Collins
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Feb 20, 2023

The only challenger to the seat of the best book in the series, Catching Fire is another amazing

book by Suzanne Collins in which we get to see Katniss and Peeta thrown back into the arena,

this time with the victors from other districts. Filled with intrigue and suspicion and political

instability, this truly does rival the first book-one of the few books that ever does. You also get to

Teen Review
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games

By Suzanne Collins
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Feb 20, 2023

The Hunger Games starts off the three (four now) book series that took the world by storm as it

beautifully ripped off the classic Battle Royale. In this book, you get to see the United States far

in the future where a small part of the population lives cushioned lives built off the backs of

starving people that might as well be slaves. In this book, you will watch a sixteen yea old girl by

Teen Review
With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo

With the Fire on High

By Elizabeth Acevedo
Star Rating

Rated by
Lisa J.
Feb 20, 2023

High school senior Emoni Santiago is a wonder in the kitchen, crafting magic with flavors

and aromas. She dreams of attending culinary school one day, even if it seems as if there aren’t

many places for her to go in life. With an aging grandmother, an absent father, and the

responsibility of a three-year-old daughter to take care of, Emoni can’t afford to put herself first.

However, when her school announces a new culinary arts class, complete with an

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