Reviews by Category: Fiction

Teen Review
Big Game by Stuart Gibbs

Big Game

By Stuart Gibbs
Star Rating

Rated by
Mia M.
Jan 24, 2023

Big Game is about a boy named Teddy Fitzroy who lives at a zoo called FunJungle.

When someone tries to shoot at a special rhino, Teddy and his friend Summer McCracken try to

solve the case. Against the will of FunJungle’s head of Security, they come to a shocking

conclusion. I enjoyed this book because it was exciting, suspenseful, and funny. My favorite part

is when Summer almost falls into a crocodile pit. This book is full of funny comments and

Teen Review
Lion Down by Stuart Gibbs

Lion Down

By Stuart Gibbs
Star Rating

Rated by
Mia M.
Jan 24, 2023

Lion Down is about a boy named Teddy Fitzroy who lives at a zoo called FunJungle.

When a mountain lion is accused of murdering a famous dog, Teddy has to step in and help.

With Summer McCracken’s assistance, they gather evidence and avoid trouble to prove the

lion’s innocence only to come to a disturbing conclusion. I enjoyed this book because it has lots

of animal facts and exciting adventures. My favorite part is when Teddy experiments with a fish

Teen Review
Charlie Thorne and the Curse of Cleopatra by Stuart Gibbs

Charlie Thorne and the Curse of Cleopatra

By Stuart Gibbs
Star Rating

Rated by
Mia M.
Jan 24, 2023

Charlie Thorne and the Curse of Cleopatra is about a girl named Charlie Thorne who

just turned 13. She is on the run because she has the world's most valuable piece of

information memorized. A treasure from Cleopatra has Charlie on the hunt. She will face many

challenges and come in possession of many historical artifacts. I enjoyed this story because it

shows a strong female main character. Charlie is strong willed and always wants to do the right

Teen Review
Tyrannosaurus Wrecks by Stuart Gibbs

Tyrannosaurus Wrecks

By Stuart Gibbs
Star Rating

Rated by
Mia M.
Jan 24, 2023

Tyrannosaurus Wrecks is about a boy named Teddy Fitzroy who lives at a zoo called

FunJungle. One day, when a T. rex skull goes missing, Teddy must enlist help from his friend

Summer McCracken to catch the fossil thief. To complicate things further, the school bullies,

Tim and Jim, have adopted exotic pets that will cause distress if Teddy doesn’t figure out

something to do with them. I really enjoyed this book because it has lots of twists and turns that

Teen Review
Go Ask Alice

Go Ask Alice

By Anonymous
Star Rating

Rated by
Mariam S.
Jan 23, 2023

Go Ask Alice is the diary of a young drug addict. Our narrator’s life transformed from an

idyllic all-American coming of age story to a life filled with vice. It starts when she goes to a party

and ends up drinking an LSD-laced soda, and is drawn into a life of parties, dubious dealers,

and toxic relationships. Though she is supported by friends and family, she can’t seem to drag

herself out of the addiction she has fallen into, and eventually her life ends from a suspected

Teen Review
How It Feels to Float by Helena Fox

How it Feels to Float

By Helena Fox
Star Rating

Rated by
Iqra N.
Jan 23, 2023

Elizabeth “Biz” Martin Grey seems to have everything in control. She has her mother,

she has the twins, Billie and Dart, she has Grace, and she has her father, who tells her stories

about her as a child. But, Biz knows that her father died when she was seven. Still, she seems to

have everything in perfect shape. That is, until she almost drowns in the ocean, and a new boy

named Jasper jumps in to save her. Biz is grateful, until she realizes that he ignores all the time

Teen Review
1984 by George Orwell


By George Orwell
Star Rating

Rated by
Jan 23, 2023

1984, an iconic dystopian novel by George Orwell wastes little time with pleasantries;

something is off with this world from the brilliant first line: “It was a bright cold day in April,

and the clocks were striking thirteen” (Orwell 1). Protagonist Winston Smith works for the

oppressive Oceanic government; he mulls over past news and texts to alter the past in order to fit

the desires of the government. As the novel progresses, he grows wary of the government’s

Teen Review
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

The Bell Jar

By Sylvia Plath
Star Rating

Rated by
Alyssa F.
Jan 13, 2023

At the time I read this book, it was one of those times where this is exactly what I needed to

read. Going through the story of Esther’s intense breakdown and insanity in a way that becomes

so rational and real, to her as a character and to me as a reader. It follows her dark feelings as

well as the brighter ones of her psyche. I was so drawn to this book, having finished it in about 3

days. I’ve never been into classics but I was pleasantly surprised with how this one was written,

Teen Review
Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Daisy Jones and The Six

By Taylor Jenkins Reid
Star Rating

Rated by
Jan 8, 2023

Everyone knows Daisy Jones and The Six- the greatest band in the 70s. With the beautiful

enigma Daisy Jones and the mysterious heart-throb Billy Dunne and their band-mates, their

glorious life filled with fame, drugs, love, and attention was picture-perfect. Except, the band

broke up in the middle of their glory after just one album and no one knows why. This book tells

the real and ugly truth as to why the greatest band alive broke up and how maybe things aren't

Teen Review
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Six of Crows

By Leigh Bardugo
Star Rating

Rated by
Jan 8, 2023

The second series in Leigh Bardugo’s Grishaverse, Six of Crows is a huge improvement from her

debut works. 

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