Reviews by Category: Fiction

Teen Review
They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera

They Both Die at the End

By Adam Silvera
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Sep 12, 2022

This adventure fiction book by Adam Silvera was definitely one of the best books I have ever

read. It all begins when two total strangers get a call from Death Cast saying they are going to

die in the next 24 hours. Both download an app that finds them a best friend to live out the last

hours of their life. They set out on a mission to live a lifetime in one day together. This is a

wonderful book told by many different perspectives that merge into one plot for one amazing


Teen Review
The Secret Language of Sisters by Luanne Rice

The Secret Language of Sisters

By Luanne Rice
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Sep 12, 2022

After a tragic accident, two very close sisters have to learn how to maintain their

closeness through a traumatic experience. Roo, the older sister, crashes her car and gets

“locked-in syndrome” where she can see and hear everything but cannot respond verbally or

physically. She and her younger sister, Tilly, have to figure out how to communicate with each

other again. The book talks about dealing with guilt and how traumatic events can make

relationships between people even more complex. It depicts a lot of real emotions: anger,

Teen Review
Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

Where the Crawdads Sing

By Delia Owens
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Sep 7, 2022

Mystery, romance, suspense. This book was definitely worth the hype. With beautiful

scenery descriptions and trying to understand the effects of abandonment, the reader will be

asking questions until the very last page.

Teen Review
Carry Me Home by Janet Fox

Carry Me Home

By Janet Fox
Star Rating

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Sriha P.
Sep 7, 2022

When twelve year old Lulu’s dad goes missing, it becomes Lulu’s job to

take care of her sister Serena. Lulu has to take her fathers work with only

about seventy dollars, while taking care of her classes. She has to overcome

her problems with hard work in order to protect herself and her sister from

getting separated.

Teen Review

Looking for Alaska

By John Green
Star Rating

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Sep 6, 2022

This is a realistic fiction book by John Green. Looking For Alaska is about a group of teenagers,

Miles, Chip, Lara, Takumi, and Alaska who go to a boarding school called Culver Creek. All of

them hate a group of people at their high school - “the weekday warriors.” Miles, Chip, Lara,

Takumi, and Alaska hate the weekday warriors because they are obnoxious and entitled and

think they are better than everybody because they are rich. The weekday warriors and the

Teen Review
What is Not Yours is Not Yours by Helen Oyeyemi

What is Not Yours is Not Yours

By Helen Oyeyemi
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Sep 6, 2022

What is Not Yours is Not Yours is a collection of short stories written by Helen Oyeyemi, all

tied together through the motif of keys--a key to a heart, a key to a house, or the key to a solution.

Not all of these short stories take place at the same time or in the same place, but there are certain

short stories that have overlapping characters or small details that remind you of something else you

Teen Review
Scythe by Neal Schusterman


By Neil Shusterman
Star Rating

Rated by
Sophie G.
Sep 6, 2022

Scythe by Neil Shusterman is the story of Citra and Rowan, who live in a world without disease,

hunger, injury, or death. In order to prevent overpopulation, Scythes end the lives of random

citizens. Citra and Rowan are chosen as apprentices to a scythe and must learn the ways of

scythes. Neither wants to be a scythe, as scythes are feared by many. In order to survive, the

two must take on the dreaded responsibility of killing others. This book was absolutely brilliant.

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