Reviews by Category: Science Fiction

Teen Review
Dark Age by Pierce Brown

Dark Age

By Pierce Brown
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Sep 30, 2022

Dark Age is a dystopian science fiction novel written by Pierce Brown which follows the first

trilogy with a sequel trilogy. Following multiple perspectives we see an ex-soldier named

Ephriam stuck in a horrible situation with the Obsidians and a shift in power. Lysander au Lune,

the heir in exile to the Sovereign, becomes the very thing Darrow feared. With the Romulus

Family and Alexandrea he attempts to wage war with the Repaer. Lyra, continues to discover all

Teen Review
Iron Gold by Pierce Brown

Iron Gold

By Pierce Brown
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Sep 30, 2022

Iron Gold is a dystopian science fiction novel written by Pierce Brown which follows the first

trilogy with a sequel trilogy. Following multiple perspectives we see an ex-soldier name Ephriam

broken by grief and is forced to steal the most valuable thing in the galaxy or pay with his life.

Lysander au Lune, the heir in exile to the Sovereign, wanders the stars with his mentor,

Cassius, haunted by the loss of the world that Darrow transformed, and dreaming of what will

Teen Review
Morning Star by Pierce Brown

Morning Star

By Pierce Brown
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Sep 30, 2022

Morning Star is a dystopian science fiction novel written by Pierce Brown which ends the trilogy.

Darrow remains captured and is tortured by his captors severely. In his lowest point he must

escape and stop the Jackal and the Soveriegn from controlling the Society. Darrow shall

regroup with his fallen friends, Sevro and Ragnar, while also cooperating with his old flame

Mustang to once and for all break the shackles that hold the Red from freedom. Darrow must

Teen Review
Golden Son by Pierce Brown

Golden Son

By Pierce Brown
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Sep 30, 2022

Golden Son is a dystopian science fiction novel written by Pierce Brown. Darrow remains

undercover as a Peerless Scarred Gold. He is in danger of losing favor of being discarded by

the Archgoverner of Mars due to not meeting expectations. With no news from Ares Darrow is a

spy left stranded and isolated from comrades and friends. Darrow’s dream is put to the test

when he has to face the political maneuvering of High Society and the reigning Sovereign. The

Teen Review
Red Rising by Pierce Brown

Red Rising

By Pierce Brown
Star Rating

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Sep 30, 2022

Red Rising is a dystopian science fiction novel written by Pierce Brown. The story is about a boy

name Darrow who is a low born miner in Mars who infiltrates the upper class Golds to free his

low class Reds from oppression. The different classes are separated into colors such as low

class colors: Red and Brown and high class colors: Gold and Silver. The only way Darrow can

become a Peerless Scarred and a Gold who can have true power is to be tested in a battle

Teen Review
Dune by Frank Herbert


By Frank Herbert
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Sep 30, 2022

Dune tells the story of young Paul Atreides, whose family accepts the stewardship of the planet

Arrakis. While the planet is an inhospitable and sparsely populated desert wasteland, it is the

only source of this chemical called "spice". This “spice” cant extend life, enhance mental

abilities, and is fuel for spaceships. This planet is extremely valuable and what starts is a

intergalactic war for the planet Arrakis, Paul and his family attempt to survive political

Teen Review
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley


By Mary Shelley
Star Rating

Rated by
Vikram V.
Sep 28, 2022

Frankenstein is a gothic/science fiction novel by Mary Shelley that takes place in the 18th

century. The main character is Victor Frankenstein who is a aspiring scientist who plays with the

elements of life, and creates a living monster in his ultimate science experiment. Though Victor

had achieved his dream of creating a living person, he had failed to see consequences of his

actions and pays a very harsh price for his doing. The creature is rejected by his creator and

Teen Review
Dune by Frank Herbert


By Frank Herbert
Star Rating

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Akif A.
Sep 26, 2022

Dune is a story that takes place thousands of years in the future on a planet that is

essentially a massive desert wasteland. This planet, called Arrakis, is home to a very valuable

spice that can extend people’s lives, give them psychic powers, or grant an advanced control

over the cosmos. Thus, control over this planet is a top priority for many, so the story follows

Paul Atriedes as he is destined to protect it, himself, and his family from the opposing noble

Teen Review
The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee

The Thousandth Floor

By Katharine McGee
Star Rating

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Aug 12, 2022

A story based in the future about 5 teenagers living in a skyscraper. The skyscraper has many

floors basing each floor on your income. These floors contain more than just the money you

make. It tells the many lies, rumors, fights, and even death. Switching from person to person you

get a better perspective of what's really going on in that skyscraper. Will you find out who is

keeping some secrets and who the mystery death is?

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