Reviews by Category: Science Fiction

Teen Review
The Giver by Lois Lowry

The Giver

By Lois Lowry
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Jun 30, 2022

The Giver is a story held in the future where things have changed drastically. At certain ages, you get new things. You have no power over what you do, for your spouse, house, and more.  At 12 you get a desired job. In the story, there are no emotions such as love and no memories either. Jonas, the main character, attends the ceremony to get his job. But instead he gets the role of the receiver.

Teen Review
Anthem by Ayn Rand


By Ayn Rand
Star Rating

Rated by
Nihanth D.
Jun 30, 2022

I love dystopian books. There’s something about them that never fail to pique my interest. Whether it be the cruel antagonists projecting their control over the world or brave protagonists fighting to change the status quo, I’m always interested in a good dystopian story. And yet, I was still skeptical going into Anthem. Maybe it was because of the length of the book (52 pages), or maybe it was because of how old the book was (published in 1938).

Teen Review
The Giver by Lois Lowry

The Giver

By Lois Lowry
Star Rating

Rated by
Nihanth D.
Jun 23, 2022

The Giver is a science-fiction book by Lois Lowry and is set in a futuristic society free of crime and sadness. At the age of 12, the young children of this society will be assigned jobs that they will train for and perform for the rest of their lives.  One of these children is a boy named Jonas, who is assigned the isolated job of training under the Giver, a respected yet mysterious man.

Teen Review
Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro

Klara and the Sun

By Kazuo Ishiguro
Star Rating

Rated by
Nala C.
Jun 10, 2022

Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro takes place in a hypothetical, dystopian future where the world has less socially and culturally developed children. This technologically advanced society crafts emotionally intelligent robots who are geared to become friends with their patron. Ishiguro’s novel follows the robot AF (artificial friend), Klara, and her journey.

Teen Review
The Martian by Andy Weir

The Martian

By Andy Weir
Star Rating

Rated by
Nihanth D.
Jun 8, 2022

What would you do if you were stranded on an uninhabited and harsh world with a few working resources, and help was 140 million miles away?  That’s the question Mark Watney is asking after he finds himself stuck on Mars when a NASA mission consisting of 6 astronauts goes wrong. The Martian is a debut novel by Andy Weir, and it tells the story of how Mark Watney got off Mars with nothing but a few tools, his humor and wit, and his intelligence.

Teen Review
Bloom by Kenneth Oppel


By Kenneth Oppel
Star Rating

Rated by
Aadit G.
Jun 8, 2022

Rating: 3.5

My rating for this book is a 3.5 because of the beginning . This book failed to get my interest at the beginning and I believe the main reason was that it was not written to be interesting at the beginning.


This is about three high school girls who are immune to an allergy caused by black plants. These black plants took over one day after it rained and now all three of the girls are racing to try and fix the allergies from the plants.


Teen Review
Dune by Frank Herbert


By Frank Herbert
Star Rating

Rated by
Nihanth D.
Jun 8, 2022

Dune is a 1965 epic science fiction novel by Frank Herbert. The book follows Paul Atreides, a clever and brilliant young man who has a destiny that is beyond his understanding. When his father, Duke Leto, accepts Arrakis, the most dangerous planet in the universe, from the rival Harkonnen family, Paul starts to transform into something unimaginable as he leads his people into a momentous war.

Teen Review
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Fahrenheit 451

By Ray Bradbury
Star Rating

Rated by
Colin K.
Jun 1, 2022

Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel where books are banned to eliminate complexion and contradiction among its citizens. Although being a challenging read and hard to understand at times, it shares many relevant messages to today's society. If you give it a few chapters, I can almost guarantee you will want to keep reading. The book's many twists and turns keep you glued and wanting to know more, with Bradbury's delivery of suspense being outright brilliant.

Teen Review
Glitch by Laura Martin


By Laura Martin
Star Rating

Rated by
Aadit G.
Jun 1, 2022

Rating: 4 My rating for this book is a 4 because the book is bland in my opinion and does not have intensive detail. This book failed to get my interest for the most part and I think that is mostly because of the sci-fi aspect of the book.

Summary: Regan and Eliot are paired up in a top secret program that pertains to time travel. They both have known each other and they don't have a really strong bond. In fact, it is more hesitant and both of them look down on each other. They find out about a disaster that will ruin everything and race to save the Academy.

Teen Review
The Martian by Andy Weir

The Martian

By Andy Weir
Star Rating

Rated by
Mariam S.
May 31, 2022

The Martian is a sci-fi novel by Andy Weir about a man stranded on Mars after a NASA mission goes astray. He’s an engineer and botanist, left behind with random equipment on a planet where stepping out of his enclosure means near-immediate death. Obviously, he’d like to avoid that future and instead hang on to life until he can be rescued by the next Mars mission (not for a few years). To reach this goal, he needs to figure out how to have a continuous supply of oxygen, water, food, heat, and shelter.

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