Reviews by Category: Science Fiction

Teen Review
Any Sign of Life by Rae Carson

Any Sign of Life

By Rae Carson
Star Rating

Rated by
Abby S.
Feb 28, 2023

Title: Any Sign of Life

Author: Rae Carson

Genre: Sci-fic, Fiction

Summary: Paige is a senior in high school who was in a coma for a week. When she wakes up

she realizes that she is the last person left alive in her town. An apocalypse has struck which

means that she needs to go look for survivors. When she finds a couple of other survivors she

realizes this may be a bigger deal than she realizes.

Teen Review
Dune by Frank Herbert


By Frank Herbert
Star Rating

Rated by
Feb 22, 2023


Paul Atredies, born into a futuristic dystopian society as royalty, must unpack his true destiny

when he travels to the desert planet of Arrakis, a rugged, worn-torn planet, containing the most

valuable resource in the universe, spice. For nearly 80 years prior, the royal house of Harkoneen

had ruled over Arrakis, harvesting spice at the Emperor's will, the ruler of the Great Houses

including the Atreides and Harkonnen. Suspiciously, the Adredies, by order of the Emperor are

Teen Review
I, Robot by Issac Asimov

I, Robot by Issac Asimov

By Issac Asimov
Star Rating

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Feb 22, 2023

In the science fiction novel I, Robot, Issac Asimov explores the ramifications of the

development of robots in a series of nine short stories. The story starts by introducing our

narrator, a journalist, who is interviewing the now retiring robot psychologist Susan Calvin. Ms.

Calvin, a seventy-five-year-old woman with a Ph.D., has worked for U.S. Robot and Mechanical

Men for fifty years; during which, she has watched the slow yet thorough integration of robots

Teen Review
The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

The Naturals

By Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Star Rating

Rated by
Anna S.
Feb 17, 2023

Cassandra “Cassie” Hobbes has a gift. She can describe a person’s personality by

what they wear, what type of car they drive, or even how they act on a video. She has

known about this gift, however she didn’t know how powerful it could become, until

Micheal shows up on behalf of the FBI, recruiting her to use her gift to solve cold

cases for the FBI. Cassie’s mom was murdered 5 years ago and her father is very

distant, so she takes the chance and heads to Washington D.C. to join the naturals

Teen Review
 The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

The Midnight Library

By Matt Haig
Star Rating

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Jan 8, 2023

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig is a SciFi novel. Between life and death, there is a library with

an endless amount of books, full of different lives you might have had instead, all affected by the

choices you’ve made. When you die, you get another chance at life. You can go through any of

the books to teleport into any of the lives you've chosen and either pick a new one to live in for

Teen Review
The Maze Runner by James Dashner

The Maze Runner

By James Dashner
Star Rating

Rated by
Isabel P.
Dec 19, 2022

If you are looking for a book with an amazing plot and a ton of action, then this is your book. This sci-fi

novel starts abruptly with your main character Thomas awakening in an elevator with more than a

dozen teenage boys looking down on him. He is pulled into a land enclosed by big walls like a sort of

secluded community, which the boys call “The Glade”. He finds out that the boys try to escape the Glade

every day, though they have never been successful in doing so. All the boys lost their memory, just like

Teen Review
Journey to the Heart of the Abyss by London Shah

Journey to the Heart of the Abyss

By London Shah
Star Rating

Rated by
Isabel P.
Dec 19, 2022

This sequel to The Light at the Bottom of the World definitely didn’t disappoint. In this book, you get

drawn back into the futuristic world of Leyla McQueen. In this book, she is challenged with a lot of

obstacles and decisions that she has to make. She discovers many things about the government, the

reasons why certain events are happening, and who she really is. I read this book in one seating as I

Teen Review
The Light at the Bottom of the World by London Shah

The Light at the Bottom of the World

By London Shah
Star Rating

Rated by
Isabel P.
Dec 19, 2022

This was a thrilling, incredible, sci-fi novel that I thought was like a good mix of “The Hunger Games”,

“1984”, and “Water world”. Our protagonist in this story is Leyla McQueen who is a 16-year-old

“Submersible” racer. In Leyla’s world, the water levels have increased so much that the entire human

population is stuck deep underwater in the bottom of what is now a huge ocean. After her father gets

wrongly arrested for a crime she knows he didn’t do, she is left alone at home as the constant fear of

Teen Review
More Than This by Patrick Ness

More Than This

By Patrick Ness
Star Rating

Rated by
Iqra N.
Oct 28, 2022

More Than This features Seth, a teenager who crushed his skull while he was drowning.

However, he soon wakes in an isolated copy of Earth and believes it to be “Hell”. Seth

desperately tries to remember his memories of his life- of his little brother, his group of friends,

his secret relationship, and of his parents before the tragedy and to understand where he is- the

afterlife or a hidden part of life? Unfortunately, a being known to be the Driver or even Death

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