Reviews by Category: Science Fiction

Teen Review
Jurassic Park book cover

Jurassic Park

By Michael Crichton
Star Rating

Rated by
Rishi Tek
Jun 7, 2024

5 stars- Jurassic Park takes place on a remote jungle island, where genetic engineers have created a dinosaur theme park. However, a catastrophe destroys the park's defense systems, leaving the scientists and tourists trapped on the island filled with dinosaurs fighting for survival. 

Teen Review
Prey book cover


By Michael Crichton
Star Rating

Rated by
Rishi Tek
Jun 7, 2024

In the unforgiving landscape of the Nevada desert, a disastrous experiment unfolds as a cloud of nanoparticles, resembling micro-robots, breaks free from the confines of a laboratory. This ethereal entity possesses a remarkable ability to self-sustain and replicate. What is more astonishing is its seemingly sentient nature, as it learns and evolves through experience. With an inherent predatory programming, it continually morphs, developing increasingly difficult with each passing moment. Despite all efforts, every endeavor to thwart its advance proves futile.

Teen Review
Never Let Me Go book cover

Never Let Me Go

By Kazuo Ishiguro
Star Rating

Rated by
Basil Park
Jun 7, 2024

This dystopian novel centers around a girl named Kathy who is a caretaker that ends up finding some special people from her past. We learn more about Kathy’s history and about the unique but dark world that she lives in. We meet the characters Ruth & Tommy, two of Kathy’s close friends. From them, we see more of the impact that their situations have on them and the power of both friendship and love. A mystery unfolds of how Kathy will be able to find true happiness and freedom in her life as she sorts through these memories to try and find her future.

Teen Review
Unravel Me book cover

Unravel Me

By Tahereh Mafi
Star Rating

Rated by
Hannah K.
Jun 7, 2024

Unravel Me is a continuation of the story of Juliette Ferrars, a teenage girl with the power to kill anyone with her touch. After the events of Shatter Me, Juliette finds herself at a rebel base/sanctuary called Omega Point with her friends Adam, Kenji, and James. While she is free from Warner and the Reestablishment, it is clear they are not willing to let her go that easily.

Teen Review
1984 book cover


By George Orwell
Star Rating

Rated by
Aakanksha R.
Jun 7, 2024

1984 is a dystopian novel by George Orwell that explores a totalitarian society ruled by an oppressive government known as the Party, led by the enigmatic figure known as Big Brother. The protagonist, Winston Smith, works for the Party and begins to rebel against its control, questioning the manipulation of truth and history. As he falls in love with Julia, they both conspire against the Party, only to be caught and tortured by the Thought Police.

Teen Review
Shatter Me book cover

Shatter Me

By Tahereh Mafi
Star Rating

Rated by
Hannah K.
Jun 7, 2024

Shatter Me follows the story of a 17-year-old girl named Juliette Ferrars in a futuristic dystopian world ruled by the Reestablishment; a totalitarian government which promises to “help” people by taking away their basic rights. Juliette, who has the power to torture and kill anyone she touches, was taken away from her home and placed in an asylum for 264 days because she accidentally killed a toddler. However, everything changes when a boy named Adam arrives in her cell and Juliette starts to trust him.

Teen Review
Never Let Me Go

Never Let Me Go

By Kazuo Ishiguro
Star Rating

Rated by
Z. Ahmed
May 31, 2024

This dystopian novel keeps readers guessing throughout the whole book as it unfolds the life of Kathy who reminisces about her childhood at Hailsham Boarding School. Here, Kathy and her friends, Tom and Ruth, lead seemingly ordinary lives at the school. However, they gradually become aware of their purpose as clones made for organ donation. As they grow older, the kids confront the reality of their existence, seeking a “normal” life. This novel explores the ethical dilemmas surrounding cloning and organ harvesting, raising many questions about the value of life. 

Teen Review
Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut

Cat's Cradle

By Kurt Vonnegut
Star Rating

Rated by
Mahad Z.
May 24, 2024

Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut is a satirical novel that explores the absurdity of human pursuits and the destructiveness of technological advancements. The story follows the narrator, John (or Jonah), as he attempts to write a book about the day the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. His research leads him to the enigmatic Dr. Felix Hoenikker, the inventor of the apocalyptic substance Ice-Nine, which can freeze water instantly.

Teen Review
The Death Cure by James Dashner

The Death Cure

By James Dashner
Star Rating

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May 17, 2024

In the Headquarters of WICKED, a team full of teenagers has been put to the ultimate test, completing one impossible task to another. Thomas has lost everything, his memories, friends, and even his own identity are gone. As the final tests come to completion by a team of scientists and other people, Thomas wants answers to everything he had to go through. His rebellious nature finally wins and he escapes the complex only to see a whole new world. Will Thomas ever be free from the chains of his past?

Teen Review
Scythe by Neal Schusterman


By Neal Shusterman
Star Rating

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May 13, 2024

Scythe by Neal Shusterman is a book in a futuristic world where people can’t die. The only people who can take lives are scythes. These people’s jobs are to kill people to prevent the world from becoming overpopulated. The story follows Citra and Rowan, two kids chosen to be apprentices to Scythe Faraday. As they enter the Scythe world, Citra and Rowan start seeing the corruption and moral dilemmas. 

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