Reviews by Tag: adventure

Teen Review
The Emperor of Nihon-Ja by John Flanagan

The Emperor of Nihon-Ja

By John Flanagan
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Feb 20, 2023

In this tenth iteration of the twelve books in the Ranger’s Apprentice series, you get to

experience yet another amazing adventure into the far reaches of the world of the Ranger’s

Apprentice when you see a not-so-little-anymore little ranger (Will), a little, but older ranger

(Halt), a popular-but-not-Erak-popular pirate (Gundar), a knight (Horace), a princess (Evanlyn),

a politician (Alyss), and an old friend (Selethen) travel to the lands of Nihon-Ja. There, this

Teen Review
Halt's Peril

Halt's Peril

By John Flanagan
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Feb 20, 2023

In this ninth iteration of the twelve books in the Ranger’s Apprentice series, you are kept on the

edge of your seat, itching to see if assassins and later, Halt’s peril (see what I did there?) is just

around the corner or not. In this, you get suspense you have never gotten in any of the other

Ranger’s Apprentice books and you revisit a popular character from two of the previous books,

Malcolm the medieval drug dealer (healer, sorry). This book is for those who like to wait for

Teen Review
The Kings of Clonmel

The Kings of Clonmel

By John Flanagan
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Feb 19, 2023

In this eighth iteration of the twelve books in the Ranger’s Apprentice series, the culmination of

the different and unique aspects of John Flanagan’s entertaining series comes together in a way

that makes it difficult for me to find anything sarcastic to say about it. Not that it was a result of

the lack of trying. In this book, you have the reconnection of the three most popular heroes of the

series including the two heroes that comprised the greatest power duo of all time: Halt and

Teen Review
Erak's Ransom by John Flanagan

Erak's Ransom

By John Flanagan
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Feb 19, 2023

In this seventh iteration of the twelve books in the Ranger’s Apprentice series, you get front-row

seating to the telling of a story that should have been told two books ago and the inspiration of

which most likely came from a small mark on Horace’s face. In this book, you are introduced to

the desert lands of Arrida and its exotic citizens such as Selethen who is really just Erak of the

desert if Erak was thin, lived in the desert, and was graceful. In this story, you get to see the final

Teen Review
The Siege of Macindaw by John Flanagan

The Siege of Macindaw

By John Flanagan
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Feb 19, 2023

In this sixth iteration of the twelve books in the Ranger’s Apprentice series, you’ll find yourself

on the edge of your seat yet again. But not because Will is about to attempt a foolish siege of a

castle with the help of a medieval drug dealer (sorry “healer”), some pirates who tried to rob him

a month earlier, and a friend whose sole purpose is to provide emotional support in the form of

enemy destruction, but rather the ups and downs of Will’s (unconfirmed) love life. This book is

Teen Review
The Sorcerer of the North by John Flanagan

The Sorcerer of the North

By John Flanagan
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Feb 19, 2023

In this fifth iteration of the twelve books in the Ranger’s Apprentice series, we get to see... more

Skandians! If you weren’t sure about this book at first, I bet you are now because it contains the

only other thing keeping you reading this series past the first book besides Will’s horse. I’m

joking of course: everyone knows that it's Will’s musical ability that keeps us reading! But in all

seriousness, with more intrigue than we have ever seen in a Ranger Apprentice book with... one

Teen Review
The Battle for Skandia by John Flanagan

The Battle for Skandia

By John Flanagan
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Feb 19, 2023

In this fourth iteration of the twelve books in the Ranger’s Apprentice series, you get to see the

future greatness of the series begin to unfold. Princess, former Ranger, former Knight, little

Ranger, and popular pirate coming together to fight a battle together (if this sounds like a disaster

waiting to happen, you’d be... wrong). In this book you get a flash back into Halt and ranger

history as the dynamic group form an unholy alliance against the Temujai (I caught what you did

Teen Review
 The Icebound Land by John Flanagan

The Icebound Land

By John Flanagan
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Feb 14, 2023

In this third iteration of the twelve books in the Ranger’s Apprentice series, we get to see the

formation of the greatest power duo that the literary world may have ever been faced with:

Horace and Halt. This book is an interesting new style from the author where it switches back

from a princess and a ranger stuck in slavery (their names are Will and Evanlyn: I hope you can

tell which one is the princess) and a prince stuck with a former battleschool student (just kidding,

Teen Review
The Burning Bridge by John Flanagan

The Burning Bridge

By John Flanagan
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Feb 14, 2023

In this second iteration of the twelve books in the Ranger’s Apprentice series, we revisit our

beloved character Will. Now marked with fame by his contest against the Kalkara and his rescue

of his even more famous master Halt, he is sent on a mission in preparation for war against the

exiled lord Morgarath. But this falls to pieces when Will, accompanied by Halt’s former

apprentice Gilan and his friend Horace, finds the neighboring lands of Celtica deserted, a lost girl

Teen Review
The Ruins of Gorlan by John Flanagan

The Ruins of Gorlan

By John Flanagan
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Feb 14, 2023

In this first iteration of the twelve books in the Ranger’s Apprentice series, a boy named Will

become-though this may come as a surprise to some people-a ranger’s apprentice. Will, a

scrawny fifteen-year-old boy finds himself learning the ways of rangers after being taken in by

the famous and rather grim ranger Halt after being rejected from battle school, the one thing he

had always wanted in life. This is a result of believing that his father had died as a knight and

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