Reviews by Tag: friendship

Teen Review
They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera

They Both Die at the End

By Adam Silvera
Star Rating

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Sep 12, 2022

This adventure fiction book by Adam Silvera was definitely one of the best books I have ever

read. It all begins when two total strangers get a call from Death Cast saying they are going to

die in the next 24 hours. Both download an app that finds them a best friend to live out the last

hours of their life. They set out on a mission to live a lifetime in one day together. This is a

wonderful book told by many different perspectives that merge into one plot for one amazing


Teen Review
American as Paneer Pie by Supriya Kelkar

American as Paneer Pie

By Supriya Kelkar
Star Rating

Rated by
Sriha P.
Aug 26, 2022

Lekha has a birthmark on her forehead. It is supposed to be luck, but for

her, she would not say it is lucky. Lekha goes to a school with not many

Indians and she is always teased for her unshaved legs, permanent bindi, and

generally for being an Indian. Suddenly another Indian becomes her

neighbor. Avanthika, is a lot more confident than Lekha even though she has

an accent. This book is how she tells her story with ups and downs about

being Indian.

Teen Review
The Ickabog by J.K. Rowling

The Ickabog

By J.K. Rowling
Star Rating

Rated by
Claire A.
Jul 24, 2022

The Ickabog, by J. K. Rowling, is a story about love, friendship, never giving up, and a

very big monster. Daisy and Bert live in a perfect kingdom, until a man comes

complaining of the story tale Ickabog. The king investigates with a team of men. They

return with one man dead and a king terrified the Ickabog is coming for him. Daisy faces

a new home and a nasty old lady. Bert is on the run when he finds Daisy again. As they

Teen Review
Red Kayak by Priscilla Cummings

Red Kayak

By Priscilla Cummings
Star Rating

Rated by
Colin K.
Jul 19, 2022

Red Kayak by Priscilla Cummings is an excellent book for adolescents about friendship and

trust-- for when thirteen-year-old Brady and his best friends J.T. and Digger get entwined in a

tragedy, Brady has to decide between company and right and wrong. I love this book because it

teaches kids to do the right thing and to tell the truth no matter what. I also enjoyed this book

because of its surprising twists and turns, keeping the reader on their toes.

Teen Review
Squire by Sara Alfageeh and Nadia Shammas


By Sara Alfageeh and Nadia Shammas
Star Rating

Rated by
Tyler H.
Jun 15, 2022

Squire is a story about Aiza, a girl who wishes to be a knight. Throughout all of her childhood she has struggled as she is a part of the Ornu people who were captured long ago and are not granted full citizenship. Knighthood is her only path to citizenship and her one true desire. But things are a lot harder than Aiza expected. The war isn’t as black and white as it might have seemed. Maybe she isn’t being turned into a noble knight, but just yet another killing machine.

Teen Review
Deeplight by Frances Hardinge


By Frances Hardinge
Star Rating

Rated by
Aadit G.
Jun 14, 2022

Rating: 3

My rating for this book is a 3 because the book felt not put together and just not right. The genre seems a bit off and mixes horror and fantasy. In my opinion, this is not a very good combination.


This is about two boys who grow up together like brothers. The story talks about how the gods of the myriads caused a lot of damage to human society and killed thousands. These two boys then have to go through many challenges throughout the book.


Teen Review
Camp by Kayla Miller


By Kayla Miller
Star Rating

Rated by
Cl3v3r D0lph1n
Jun 8, 2022

Camp is about two girls named Willow and Olive. They learn to trust each other and learn the value of friendship. Even though they have fights, they sort it out and are friends again. Camp is a great book and I liked it a lot. I think it has a great story line and deserves a high rating. You should definitely read Camp!

Teen Review
True (...sort of) by Katherine Hannigan

True (...sort of)

By Katherine Hannigan
Star Rating

Rated by
Colin K.
Jun 3, 2022

Heartfelt in many ways, True (...sort of) is a fantastic book for kids. Delly, the protagonist, is a troublesome eleven-year-old girl who is one strike from being sent away. But her pretend friend Ferris is destined to keep her out of trouble with their new surprise project. Delly’s made-up vocabulary also makes this book kiddish despite its impactful underlying message on friendship and trust.

Teen Review
Queen of Ice by Devika Rangachari

Queen of Ice

By Devika Rangachari
Star Rating

Rated by
May 18, 2022

Queen of Ice is an amazing quick read. Once you pick it up, it’s difficult to put down. The book follows Didda as she rises from a timid girl to the ruler of her land. It is a perfect balance of friendship, heartbreak, and trust. Queen of Ice represents women empowerment, and the importance of confidence. The book moves at a pretty fast pace so, there are rarely any boring parts. The book is based in India so naturally, it mildly represents Indian culture. This representation makes the book even more interesting and allows the reader to place themselves in that situation.

Teen Review
Vicious by V.E. Schwab


By V.E. Schwab

Rated by
May 13, 2022

Vicious is an incredible read that grips the reader all throughout. Each character is flawed, if not evil. The book takes you on a journey where you cannot side with either of the characters since you know deep down that they both are not good people. This story of two best friends turned enemies is heartbreaking as it represents the fragility of relationships and how wanting to get to the top may leave you miserable. Vicious mainly follows Victor Vale and how he sets out to seek revenge.

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