Reviews by Tag: magic

Teen Review
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix book cover

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

By J.K. Rowling
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Jack M.
Oct 4, 2024

In the fifth installment of the Harry Potter series, Harry finds himself being shunned as a mad heretic while the Ministry of Magic desperately tries to deny the Dark Lords return. Harry has to fight to make his voice heard, yet few people believe him. On top of that, a new professor at Hogwarts, Dolores Umbridge, was sent by the Ministry of Magic to keep a watchful eye on Harry and Dumbledore. Harry struggles to deal with the mounting pressure and spiteful government while training hard to protect himself and those he cares about from Lord Voldemort.

Teen Review
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire book cover

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

By J.K. Rowling
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Jack M.
Oct 4, 2024

Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts for his fourth year after saving his godfather, Sirius Black, from the dementors. However, this year is unlike any other at Hogwarts, as they have decided to bring back an old tradition, the Tri-Wizard Tournament! As this is a very dangerous competition between the three major schools in Europe, the headmaster of Hogwarts, Dumbledore, decides that only students over the age of seventeen may enter the tournament. When someone enters in Harry’s name, and he’s chosen, he must fight for his life against dragons, and merpeople, and solve clues to advance.

Teen Review
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets book cover

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

By J.K. Rowling
Star Rating

Rated by
Jack M.
Oct 4, 2024

A few months after he triumphs over the dark lord, Voldemort, Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts again for another year of practicing magic. This year, Harry discovers that his ability to talk to snakes isn’t the gift he thought it was, causing many students to turn on him. Soon after, a mysterious message written in blood appears, “The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the Heir Beware”. Following this event, an unknown individual is going around petrifying students of Hogwarts, including Harry’s friend Hermione.

Teen Review
The Crooked Kingdom book cover

The Crooked Kingdom

By Leigh Bardugo
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Sep 25, 2024

The Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo is a fantasy novel, the second in the Six of Crows Duology and part of the greater Grishaverse series. Following the first book where the group of teenagers broke into the Ice Court to free the chemist who created jurda parem, this book follows the group again as they attempt to get the money they were promised after being double-crossed by the lord who sent them on the mission. At the same time, there are conflicts between the different countries as well.

Teen Review
The Crimson Fortress book cover

The Crimson Fortress

By Akshaya Raman
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Sep 25, 2024

The Crimson Fortress by Akshaya Raman is a young adult fantasy novel, the sequel to The Ivory Key, mildly inspired by Indian culture and mythology. It features the main character — Vira, Queen of Ashoka, and her journey to recover the Ivory Key and solve its riddle to unlock the hidden quarries. However, the Ivory Key is not what they thought it was. It is bound to unlock more horrors than magic, at least at first.

Teen Review
The Ivory Key book cover

The Ivory Key

By Akshaya Raman
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Sep 25, 2024

The Ivory Key by Akshaya Raman is a young adult fantasy novel, mildly inspired by Indian culture and mythology. It features the main character — Vira, Queen of Ashoka. Having grown up in the palace with her three siblings, destined to be the next queen, she idolized her mother’s extroverted personality and grace. She was awed at how her mother was able to gain respect and love from her citizens. Vira, however, is not as perfect and struggles to prove her capabilities to be the perfect queen.

Teen Review
Bloodmarked book cover


By Tracy Deonn
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Sep 25, 2024

Wanting answers about her past, Bree infiltrated the Lengendborn society, magical descendants of King Arthur’s knights, only to discover she had powers of her own. Bree has a power that is completely unique and makes her important to the Order. The Regents will do anything to hide her from the war, but all Bree wants is to rescue Nick; a task that comes with many dangers and forces her to work with Selwyn, Nick’s Kingsmage. Bree is set on Nick but if she wants any chance of saving him and the people she loves, she must learn to control her powers, and herself.

Teen Review
Babel book cover


By R.F. Kuang
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Sep 25, 2024

In a mix between historical fiction and fantasy, R.F Kuang’s Babel illustrates the idea of colonialism and the strong hold over government that language and communication have. Robin Swift, a young boy from Canton, loses his family and is brought to London by Professor Lovell, a teacher at Oxford. He is swept into the world of English propriety and the education of languages in preparation to attend Oxford’s Royal Institute of Translation.

Teen Review
Legendborn book cover


By Tracy Deonn
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Sep 25, 2024

After her mother’s death, 16-year-old Bree Matthews attempts to escape her guilt and pain by attending a program at UNC-Chapel Hill, where she discovers a secret society of “Legendborn” students that hunt down demon energies feeding on the school. Caught by a mysterious mage, an effort to wipe Bree’s memory fails, and instead reveals a hidden memory about the night her mother died. She recruits Nick, a Lengendborn, who reluctantly joins Bree in a partnership.

Teen Review
Caraval book cover


By Stephanie Garber
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Sep 25, 2024

Caraval by Stephanie Garber, is a fantasy book about a girl named Scarlett Dragna. Scarlett grew up on the Conquered Islands of Trisda with her sister Dontella and her father who never allowed her to leave the Island. Growing up her grandma would tell her and her sister stories of a magical game called Caraval which was created and run by a man named Legend. Scarlet and her sister always dreamed of visiting Caraval, especially Scarlett who wrote to Legend multiple times hoping to receive a response back.

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