Reviews by Category: Mystery

Teen Review
The Hawthorne Legacy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

The Hawthorne Legacy

By Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Star Rating

Rated by
Anna S.
Aug 12, 2022

Avery Kylie Grambs is trying to settle into her mansion and life as a billionaire. Avery

is still trying to solve the puzzle that Tobias Hawthorne left her along with her

inheritance. Avery will need help from the 4 Hawthorne brothers, but she finds herself

falling for not just one, but two of the brothers. Avery, along with all of this going on, is

being threatened and it is starting to look like someone is trying to kill her. Avery is

discovering her past and who her family really is, blood related or not. If things were

Teen Review
The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

The Inheritance Games

By Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Star Rating

Rated by
Anna S.
Aug 12, 2022

Avery Kylie Grambs is just a teenager living life the best she can after her mom

passed away multiple years ago. She is living with her older sister, until everything

changes when a mysterious man shows up, telling Avery that she has inherited a

large sum of money. After this meeting, Avery still is in shock when she inherits

around 46 billion dollars from a random person she has never met, Tobaias

Hawthorne. There is only one thing she has to do to keep her inheritance. Stay alive

Teen Review
Take the Key and Lock Her Up by Ally Carter

Take the Key and Lock Her Up

By Ally Carter
Star Rating

Rated by
Aug 12, 2022

After another plot-twist at the end of the second book, all Grace Blakely wants to do is

keep her brother and the guy she likes safe. However, that’s not possible when you’re a lost

princess. When the prime minister of Adria pays her a visit, Grace makes a deal with the devil

that she will marry the future prince so that her loved ones can stay safe. Even though she tries

everything she can do to escape this deal, it’s impossible. This makes Grace go on a mission to

Teen Review
Splinters of Scarlet by Emily Bain Murphy

Splinters of Scarlet

By Emily Bain Murphy
Star Rating

Rated by
Aadit G.
Aug 12, 2022

Rating: 3

My rating for this book is a 3 because the book only takes place in one setting for the

most part. This makes the book not at all compelling to me personally. It was hard to

focus reading the book as it was not very interesting.

Teen Review
Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust

Girl, Serpent, Thorn

By Melissa Bashardoust
Star Rating

Rated by
Aadit G.
Aug 12, 2022

Rating: 3

My rating for this book is a 3 because the book is a bit confusing at times and the

plot is a little blurred at times. The book is okay in my opinion but I think it will be great

for people who like to read about fantasy.


This book is about a princess named Soraya. The rest of the world has no idea that

she even exists. She has a poisonous touch that will kill anything that she touches. She

then meets Azad who isn't scared of her; he even looks up to her.

Teen Review
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd

By Agatha Christie
Star Rating

Rated by
Aug 10, 2022

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd is a mystery novel by Agatha Christie. It is one of her novels

featuring detective Hercule Poirot. In the village of King’s Abbot has been rocked by two deaths:

first of Mrs. Ferrars, a widow who overdosed and then Roger Ackroyd, the man she planned to

marry. Poirot comes out of retirement and teams up with local doctor James Sheppard to solve

the case.

Teen Review
Once Was Lost by Sara Zarr

Once Was Lost

By Sara Zarr
Star Rating

Rated by
Anna S.
Aug 10, 2022

Sam is a pastor's kid, which means a lot of things in the small town of Pineview. One

thing it means is that her mom always has to seem perfect, and she turned to

alcohol. Another thing that means is that no one wants to be her friend because they

think she will tell her dad about what they do. Sam is overall, really lost when her

mom has to go to rehab for her drinking and she is even more lost when a girl that

goes to her church goes missing. Sam is really confused in this messy time of her life

Teen Review
See How They Run by Ally Carter

See How They Run

By Ally Carter
Star Rating

Rated by
Aug 9, 2022

After the life-changing truth Grace Blakely finds out about her mother’s death in the first

book, all she wants is to be alone and away from everyone else. Most of all, she doesn’t want to

face her loved ones, because she’s afraid that they blame her for everything that’s happened.

However, when Grace’s brother Jamie and his friend Spence come to visit her from West Point,

Jamie decides to help her get back to normal, even if that’s impossible. Spence, on the other

Teen Review
All Fall Down by Ally Carter

All Fall Down

By Ally Carter
Star Rating

Rated by
Aug 9, 2022

When Grace Blakely was 13 years old, her mom died in front of her eyes, in what Grace

was told to be an accident. However, Grace was there when her mom died, and she knows that

there was a man with a scar at the place of her mom’s death when she died. And now, three

years later, when she’s 16, Grace is sent to live with her grandfather in the Embassy Row in

Adria, a European country. The Embassy Row is a place filled with different ambassadors and

Teen Review
The Missing Season by Gillian French

The Missing Season

By Gillian French
Star Rating

Rated by
Teen Book Reviewer
Aug 2, 2022

The Missing Season is about a girl named Clara who just recently moved

into a town called Pender. Clara finds a group to hang out with and they

have told the town’s scary secret: The Mumbler. The Mumbler takes kids

every October night and then they turn up dead. Clara doesn’t believe in it

but as she hears everyone’s share of tales, she wants to know who the

Mumbler really is.

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