Reviews by Tag: middle school

Teen Review
Supergifted by Gordon Korman


By Gordon Korman
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Mar 21, 2023

Supergifted by Gordon Korman is about Noah, who is supergifted. Finding a way out of the academy for students with high IQ’s, Noah transfers to a normal middle school that his friend Donovan attends. Soon, Noah finds a way to support his school and joins the cheerleading squad, but Hash Taggart (aka. Hashtag), an uber jock in the school, starts picking on him. Noah’s friend Donovan helps Noah and lands himself in a big fight with Hashtag. He’s told not to go anywhere near Hashtag.

Teen Review
Ungifted by Gordon Korman


By Gordon Korman
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Mar 19, 2023

Ungifted by Gordon Korman is about Donovan Curtis, who is far from anything close to gifted. When a prank goes too far, instead of getting in trouble, Donovan is sent to the academy for gifted students because of a mix-up by one of the administrators. Now in the academy of scholastic distinction, Donovan has to fool all the other students with super high IQ’s in order to stay there.

Teen Review
Awkward by Svetlana Chmakova


By Svetlana Chmakova
Star Rating

Rated by
Mia M.
Feb 21, 2023

Awkward is about a middle schooler named Pepi Torres. She has three cardinal rules for

surviving middle school. On her first day as the new kid at Berrybrook Middle School, she

makes a mistake that haunts her for the next few months. When she has to get science

tutoring with a boy that she can barely talk to, she must face her fears and break the awkward

silence, I like this book because it is relatable to middle schoolers. My favorite part is when Pepi

Teen Review
Brave by Svetlana Chmakova


By Svetlana Chmakova
Star Rating

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Mia M.
Feb 6, 2023

Brave is about a boy named Jensen who is trying to navigate middle school one level at

a time. He faces bullies, mean friends, and evil teachers. When the newspaper crew asks him

for help, he gladly accepts. When middle school starts getting harder and more confusing,

Jensen has to decide for himself who to hang out with and who to stand up to. I really enjoyed

this book because it had lots of interesting facts and well developed characters. My favorite part

Teen Review
Addie Bell’s Shortcut to Growing Up by Jessica Brody

Addie Bell’s Shortcut to Growing Up

By Jessica Brody
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Sep 27, 2022

Addie Bell’s Shortcut to Growing Up by Jessica Brody, is a book about a 12 year-old girl named

Addie, who wishes she was 16. She wants her parents to let her do anything (like wear make-up

and have a phone), like how they let her older sister. But they tell her she needs to wait 4 more

years! And to make matters worse, her best friend Grace couldn’t care any less about that stuff.

Teen Review
Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt

Fish in a Tree

By Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Sep 27, 2022

Fish in a Tree is a fictional novel written by Lynda Mullaly Hunt. This book is

about a girl named Ally with dyslexia who struggles in school. Her friends, Albert

and Kiesha help her in this situation and succeed with her. Even though her

teachers and others try to help, her mind is different, so her friends help her. She

wished she could be normal and can read like others, and wished she wouldn't

Teen Review
Auggie and Me by R. J. Palacio

Auggie & Me

By R.J. Palacio
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Sep 27, 2022

Auggie & Me is a fictional book written by R.J. Palacio. This book is about a

boy named August Pullman (Auggie) who has a craniofacial difference. He has to

go through many difficult situations due to this condition. Charlotte Cody, Julien,

Christopher, Reid, Summer, and Ximena Chin all play important roles throughout

some situations. He wishes to be treated like a normal person, and not get

Teen Review
Cover photo of the book Wonder


By R.J. Palacio
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Aug 29, 2022

Wonder is a fictional novel written by R.J Palacio. The book is about a 10-year-old boy

named August Pullman, who has a facial anomaly and is a normal kid. He has done a lot of

surgeries but still his face won't look normal. From a young age, he was homeschooled and was

smart but then he had to go to a school for 5th grade. The book depicts how he is socially

isolated and bullied at school. The book portrays how society and how their looks should not

Teen Review
Wink by Rob Harrell


By Rob Harrell
Star Rating

Rated by
Aadit G.
Jun 14, 2022


3.5 This book is great but it did not catch my attention like many other books did.


This book is based off a true story of a middle school teenage boy. His name in the book is Ross Maloy. He is a teenage boy who wants to fit in to the school. He then gets diagnosed with a rare eye cancer after which he has to go through many surgeries. After the surgeries his eye is always winking and he does not know how to control his life anymore.


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