Teen and Staff Reviews

Teen Review
What About Will book cover

What About Will

By Ellen Hopkins
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Rated by
Nehanika C.
Dec 29, 2023

What about Will by Ellen Hopkins is a book about two boys, Trace and Will who are brothers and best friends. Will’s mom hated football because she thought it was a dangerous sport, but Will's dad thought that it was good to have kids playing sports. Finally, Will's mom gave in and let Will play. All was going well, everybody loved Will and he loved playing.  One day Will had a football game and everything was going great, until it wasn’t.

Teen Review
The Davenports book cover

The Davenports

By Krystal Marquis
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Rated by
Anna S.
Dec 29, 2023

Olivia is expected to be all that her parents want her to be. A prim and proper young lady who will marry well, as the oldest daughter must, host charity events, and she must not be found with people like Washington Dwight. Olivia thinks this is her destiny, even more so when she meets a suitable husband, but will she find all that she is looking for, love? Helen, the youngest daughter, has feelings about men, far different from Olivia. Helen thinks of many men like her brothers, as she works restlessly with them in the garage, working on cars.

Teen Review
The Spaces Between Us book cover

The Spaces Between Us

By Stacia Tolman
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Rated by
Anna S.
Dec 29, 2023

Serena is just a regular high school girl, besides the fact that she thinks her father is having an affair with the cheerleading coach.  She acts dumb but she is really some sort of genius, and she has all kinds of stuff going on. Serena finishes her junior year just barely, but for her senior year her friend Melody Grimshaw convinces her to join the cheerleading team and make an academic comeback. Serena somehow manages to make the team and she learns to apply her full potential, but during this time Melody runs away.

Teen Review
The Screwtape Letters book cover

The Screwtape Letters

By C.S. Lewis
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Rated by
Anna S.
Dec 29, 2023

In this classic satire a demon, named Screwtape, writes to his nephew, Wormwood. In this satire, Screwtape is somewhat of a mentor to Wormwood, giving him advice on how to deceive the person that Wormwood is in charge of. This is a satire, as it gives an insight, for Christians, or other readers, into how Satan steals, kills, and destroys. 

Teen Review
Glossy book cover


By Marisa Meltzer
Star Rating

Rated by
Anna S.
Dec 29, 2023

Glossier, you may or may not have heard of it, but to sum it up, it is a makeup and skincare brand popular among cosmetic enthusiasts and common people alike. This book, Glossy, follows the quite interesting story of Emily Weiss, the founder of Glossier, in her life before the brand, during creation of the brand, and recent life. It starts with discussing how Weiss had somewhat of an aura to her that helped along her success and became an intern at teen vogue.

Teen Review
Finale book cover


By Stephanie Garber
Star Rating

Rated by
Earvin C
Dec 29, 2023

This story is the last of the Caraval trilogy, this time, following both sisters rather than just one. The Dragna sisters continue to struggle to find their true love amidst the main conflict of the book: the fates had escaped (from the last book, Legendary) and wanted each of the sisters - and their loved ones - dead. While some wanted to assist them in killing the fates’ creator, ultimately none can be trusted. 

Teen Review
The Inheritance Games book cover

The Inheritance Games

By Jennifer Lynn Barnes
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Dec 29, 2023

Avery Grambs is an average 17-year-old girl from Connecticut. She finds out that she has inherited 46 billion dollars from Tobias Hawthorne, a very wealthy man. However, Tobias is a total stranger to Avery. With no record of being connected to this man at all, she becomes suspicious of whether or not this is real. There is one condition that comes along with the money-she is required to live in Tobias Hawthorne’s mansion along with his living family. Avery must adjust to her new situation while also trying to uncover the secrets that come along with it.

Teen Review
Mockingjay book cover


By Suzanne Collins
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Dec 29, 2023

Mockingjay is the final book in the trilogy called The Hunger Games. It shows Katniss’s capability when it came to looking out for an entire nation rather than just herself. She becomes the symbol of the rebellion, providing a way for the districts to fight back. Katniss sacrifices her life for the future of the districts. She allows a chance for victims of the capitol to speak up. This revolutionary period happens over the course of this book.

Teen Review
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue book cover

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

By V.E. Schwab
Star Rating

Rated by
Mahad Z.
Dec 29, 2023

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab follows the extraordinary life of Adeline LaRue, a young woman in 18th-century France who makes a Faustian bargain for eternal life, but with the caveat that no one will remember her. Addie navigates centuries, experiencing the highs and lows of human existence while grappling with the loneliness of her unique circumstance.

Teen Review


By Veronica Roth
Star Rating

Rated by
Hannah K.
Dec 22, 2023

Divergent by Veronica Roth takes place in a futuristic Chicago where people are divided into factions by their personalities. The ones who seek knowledge are in Erudite, the ones who wish to live a simple life are in Abnegation, the ones who wish to live a fearless life are in Dauntless, the ones who with to live in peace and harmony are in Amity, and the ones who wish to live a life of truth belong in Candor.

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