Reviews by Tag: survival

Teen Review
Solstice by Lorence Alison


By Lorence Alison
Star Rating

Rated by
Varun R.
Aug 10, 2022

Adri is perfectly on track to become the lawyer that her parents have always wanted her to

become. Through academic excellence, hard work, and sacrifice, a summer internship represents

the final bridge between her and her parents’ dreams. The problem is, she wants nothing more

than to get away from the internship, especially when she gets the opportunity of a lifetime.

Courtesy of her best friend Elena, Adri gets tickets to go to Solstice, a life-changing getaway

Teen Review
Lord of the Flies by William Golding

Lord of the Flies

By William Golding
Star Rating

Rated by
Jul 26, 2022

When a group of boys finds themselves on an isolated, remote island, after an airplane crash,

their lives change forever. The time is set during the war when these boys - some as six years old

- are confused, petrified, and helpless. The two oldest kids, around 12, take the lead; Ralph is a

logical, brave, and intellectual boy, and Jack is a savage, confident, and dominant figure. As

Ralph takes the lead at first, he orders the boys to divert all their focus to creating huts, making a

Teen Review
Cast Away

Cast Away

Star Rating

Rated by
Colin K.
Jul 19, 2022

Cast Away is a great movie about a plane crash that leaves Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks)

stranded on an island, fighting for his survival. I think Tom Hanks was perfect for this role and

delivered an excellent performance, making it feel as if he really was alone on an island. The

progression of his loneliness was also very well portrayed, making for a dramatic scene when

the water pulls Wilson, the volleyball, out to sea. Besides a few gruesome scenes, I would say it

Teen Review
Lord of the Flies by William Golding

Lord of the Flies

By William Golding
Star Rating

Rated by
Colin K.
Jun 21, 2022

Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a thrilling story about a group of young boys found stranded on a deserted island. Together they found themselves developing rules and a system of organization to try and remain civil. But without “grownups,” their attempt to govern themselves becomes violent and unorthodox. Although this novel is a challenging read, it is a story all children have dreamed about before. Its bone-chilling reality, however, makes readers second guess their fantasy of living on an island.

Teen Review
Be Not Far From Me by Mindy McGinnis

Be Not Far From Me

By Mindy McGinnis
Star Rating

Rated by
Aadit G.
Jun 14, 2022

Rating: 3

My rating for this book is a 3 because the book is bland in my opinion and does no thave intensive detail. This book failed to get my interest and I believe the main reason was not enough detail. I also believe it was too short according to what the plot was. It is also boring and repetitive at a certain point.


 This is about a girl named Ashley who goes camping in the woods. She then finds out that her boyfriend cheated on her; after which she runs into the woods and has to survive by herself with limited resources.


Teen Review
The Canyon's Edge by Dusti Bowling

The Canyon's Edge

By Dusti Bowling
Star Rating

Rated by
Aadit G.
Jun 14, 2022

Rating: 4

My rating for this book is a 4 because the books plotline was great but this book didn't stand out that much and the plotline was confusing at some points throughout the book.


This book is based around the character Nora. Her birthday is the day that her mom died in a public shooting. Exactly a year after her mom dying she and her dad head into a canyon in the Arizona desert. A flood happens which takes away her father. Nora then has to survive all by herself in the hot desert and has to find a way to save herself and her dad.

Teen Review
Where the World Ends by Geraldine McCaughrean

Where the World Ends

By Geraldine McCaughrean
Star Rating

Rated by
Isabel P.
Jun 7, 2022

This was a realistic fiction story based on a real event that really made you see what hardships people go through when they are left marooned with less than 10 other people. You meet a boy named Quill who, along with other boys and a few adults, gets on a boat to a remote stac (an island made of rocks and boulders) where they hunt birds to bring back home to the people back at their island home. He had already made this journey and was seen as a leader throughout the book. Sadly, the boys on the boat didn’t know that mysteriously nobody would come to take them home.

Teen Review
Lord of the Flies by William Golding

Lord of the Flies

By William Golding
Star Rating

Rated by
Nihanth D.
May 31, 2022

Lord of the Flies is a psychological novel by William Golding and stars a group of British boys who crash-landed on an uninhabited island. These boys, ranging from ages 7 to 12, are just normal children who start to panic when they realize that they are the only survivors, and no adults are there to protect them. However, everyone soon realizes their newfound independence and are excited to use it.

Teen Review
Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

Into the Wild

By Jon Krakauer
Star Rating

Rated by
Aubrie C.
Apr 7, 2022

The book begins with the finding of Chris McCandless’ body by Alaskan hunters. Chris McCandless changed his name after college and traveled to Alaska to start his journey. In Alaska he gets rid of all materialistic things such as money. He goes to Alaska to explore and be present with nature. The book gets accounts from the people he met while in Alaska and his family back home. The book poses a debate about if he was suicidal going on his journey to Alaska or not.

Teen Review
Lord of the Flies by William Golding

Lord of the Flies

By William Golding
Star Rating

Rated by
Aubrie C.
Apr 5, 2022

The book opens up with a boy in a school uniform on a desert, named Ralph. We soon realize that he is not the only boy stranded in this desert. Their plane crashed and they are the survivors. Ralph and another boy that goes by the name Piggy, fight over leadership. Piggy believes that the group will be stranded for a while so they need to get supplies but Ralph believes that the group needs to find all survivors that are in the desert. The group votes for Ralph and he establishes a form of government that lets the boys do what they want and to enjoy the time without adults.

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