Teen and Staff Reviews

Teen Review
Run, Hide Fight, Back by April Henry

Run, Hide, Fight Back

By April Henry

Rated by
Avery G.
Nov 25, 2019

A shooting in Portland mall leads to several teenagers being trapped with only 3 means of potential survival: they may run, hide, or fight back. However, they all are guarding big secrets, and tensions in the group run very high.

Staff Review

Stronger, Faster, and More Beautiful

By Arwen Elys Dayton
Star Rating

Rated by Chris K.
Nov 18, 2019

This is top-notch science fiction--it takes today's scientific advancements and speculates how they might play out in the future, considering legal, ethical, and practical ramifications along the way. The book does this over the course of six lightly connected stories, each progressively further in the future. The topic is gene editing and body modification.

Staff Review

Just Ella

By Margaret Peterson Haddix
Star Rating

Rated by Anne G
Oct 21, 2019

                “Why did everyone like that story so much when it wasn’t true?  Why was everyone so eager to believe it?  Was it because, in real life, ever after’s generally stink?”

Teen Review
The Grief Keeper by Alexandra Villasante

The Grief Keeper

By Alexandra Villasante

Rated by
Varsha V. from BV YA Lit Council
Oct 17, 2019

The Grief Keeper tells the story of a young girl named Marisol who is trying to immigrate with her younger sister to America after the murder of their brother. She is caught crossing the border and told she must participate in an experimental study, or be sent back home to El Salvador. As part of the study, Marisol becomes a grief keeper, taking upon the grief of Rey, a young woman struggling with mental illness, to ensure she can stay in the country.

Teen Review
Wild and Crooked by Leah Thomas

Wild and Crooked

By Leah Thomas

Rated by
Rose K. from MO YA Lit Council
Oct 15, 2019

The book switches between perspectives of two different, yet alike, characters forcing you to look at the situation from multiple perspectives. It is a book dedicated to those who are often pushed to the side in today’s world, and shows that we are all more alike than one might think, and that you should not judge others based on only what you’ve heard.

Teen Review
Delilah Dirk and the Pillars of Hercules by Tony Cliff

Delilah Dirk and the Pillars of Hercules

By Cliff, Tony

Rated by
Tyler T. from BV YA Lit Council
Oct 10, 2019

Delilah Dirk is about this adventurer who has to find clues to uncover a hidden city. She goes with her assistant, Selim, and a writer of the "Weekly Observer", who is up to something more mischievous. On the way she encounters many problems- for example she has to fight a ruler of a city to get a clue! The most compelling part of the book is when we (the reader) find out Van Hassel's real plan with the city. The sudden twist made the book very hard to put down.

Staff Review


By Marissa Meyer

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Oct 8, 2019

The second book in the Lunar Chronicles, Scarlet, is a take on the well known tale of Little Red Riding Hood. The main character and namesake is Scarlet, a farm girl living on the outskirts of a small French town. Scarlet’s spunkiness and courageous attitude makes her an almost shockingly dynamic character compared to Cinder from the first book.

Teen Review
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me by Mariko Tamaki and Rosemary Valero-O'Connell

Laura Dean Keeps Breaking up With Me

By Mariko Tamaki

Rated by
Andrew G.
Aug 29, 2019

Freddy is a young teen who is struggling with her friends, her job, and most importantly her relationship. The book makes you feel a connection with these characters very quickly so from the start you’re rooting for your favorite character. I was not disappointed by anything. The art was outstanding and the story was impeccable. I was extremely satisfied by the ending. Hard to imagine a better book.

Teen Review
Mighty Moe by Rachel Swaby and Kit Fox

Mighty Moe

By Rachel Swaby

Rated by
Zoe D from Blue Valley YA Lit Council
Aug 26, 2019

Mighty Moe is a story that highlights the true essence of women's empowerment: incredible achievements and minimal recognition for said achievements. This is the story of a female named Maureen who, in the face of misogyny, ignorance, and conflict, achieved a record-breaking marathon time. The most compelling aspect of the book was that it is a true story. This book promotes empowerment and perseverance in the face of challenges. I was not disappointed with the book for any reason.

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